Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Well, the mat clothes have left the building

Mom has told me that by doing this I've guaranteed myself to get pregnant again, but .... I have sold my maternity clothes (the winter ones anyways) and they have been mailed off. I love ebay :-)

This morning was a bit hairy around here, but this afternoon I'm hoping for a bit of peace. I just put Landon down for his nap, and hopefully Arlan has a nice nap too. I wouldn't mind some quiet for an hour or two :-/

On the bath front -- the last 2 nights Arlan hasn't screamed when he came out of the tub. The difference? I didn't use any soap :-/ I don't know if it's soap in general, or the type I was using. Tonight I will try a different kind of soap, see if that's makes a difference or not.

other than that -- pretty quiet around here. Until next time.....

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