Sunday, September 07, 2008

Just a quick post

Things are good here today. Arlan has been studying his hands at every opportunity ... who needs toys???? Cracks me up. He watches his hands even while he's nursing LOL
Now if only Arlan would remember his wonderful napping habits :-/ He has little cat-naps throughout the day ... gone are those glorious 2 or 3 hour snoozes. For now anyway. I will keep trying :-/ At least he goes to sleep well at night, giving me time with Landon.
Landon has been pretty good. He imitates every damned thing we do, that's for sure. He dropped his first F-bomb for me the other night (that should surprise anyone who knows my potty mouth). I was feeling guilty ... letting a few too many slip. Then he said F off ... I don't say that ... so I have my suspicions that he's learned more than just how to hammer a nail while helping daddy in the basement heh heh. Ah well ... I completely ignored what he said, which is the advice I've been given to do in those situations. We'll see if he repeats it, or if he drops it from his vocabulary.

Landon's so cute ... he just climbed up onto the chair behind, then said "mommy ! mommy!" and leaned around me to give me a kiss. Of course, since I started typing that sentence he fell off the chair and screamed blue-bloody murder :-/ Poor kid. I guess it's time for bed.

Until next time....

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