Thursday, September 18, 2008

Three Months - ALREADY!!

Arlan is three months old today. I cannot believe how quickly time is going. With Landon I was always looking forward -- to when he'd bath in a big tub, start cereals, sit on his own, etc etc. With Arlan I just want time to stand still a little bit ... all those things will come I know, so I just want to enjoy his littleness :-) *sigh* (yes I'm sucky today ... even Landon was pushing me away at bedtime because I was too mushy!! LOL).

So we went to the doc today to get Arlan checked out (regular check-up). He's healthy and well. I forgot to ask about his 'flat' head, mostly because it's not that flat anymore. I'm signed up for one of the repositioning classes in October, but I think it's a waste of my time. I wanted to ask the doc about his head and if he agreed we didn't need to take the class I'd cancel out. But now I guess I'll just go :-/ Can't hurt I guess ... and if I get there and they tell me we don't have a problem, so be it, I'll leave early!

The only thing with Arlan is this runny eye. It's his left eye - it's been watering for close to a week. The doc figures it's a blocked tear duct (just like the nurse when I called HealthLink when it first watered at 3 weeks). This is the third time it's flared up, but it could've flared up because of this cold he's had (complete with runny nose). So I'm supposed to massage his tear duct every day as long as it's watery. Hopefully the remnants of his cold disappears soon, and the blocked duct along with it.

Stats: Arlan is 14 pounds, 1 ounce; and 24" tall. This is just above the 50th percentile for both measurements.

Landon is 32 1/2 pounds, and 38" tall. He is at the 75th percentile for both measurements, just like he's been pretty much his whole life.
Tomorrow I will spend getting ready to go to Medicine Hat on Saturday. I am SO looking forward to a night out!! We are all going, John and the boys will spend the night with Dave and the boys at Judy's while I go out with the girls for Tilly's stagette.
Hopefully Arlan and Landon behave well for daddy ... I don't think Landon will be much problem, he'll be so busy playing with Ryder he won't even notice I'm gone (hopefully!). And I've got some milk pumped for Arlan, hope it's enough (there's some ready-mixed formula just in case as well) ... and I hope he does well sleeping in the playpen. The good news is it's only one night, so no matter what happens it'll be short-lived. It's our 'practise' run for a trip to Sask in October!!
Because I'm going out, I had to go and buy some clothes that fit tonight :-/ I found a couple of pairs of pants, but not too many tops that I liked. Limited shopping though as I find it WAY too hard to shop with both boys so I had to go after Arlan went to sleep, which meant I just went to Reitmans by my house. Ah well ... at least I got something so I won't have to wear a nursing top!! LOL
That's the post for today. Until next time.....

1 comment:

niknac said...

wow is Arlan looking more and more like Landon he looks like Landon in these pics with a little wig on. Very cute though.