Thursday, September 11, 2008

Poor sick Landon :-(

Landon was up half the night with a very sore throat. He woke at 1, then again at 3:30 and was up until 6. Poor kid. At 3:30 he woke up, then Arlan woke up, so we had 2 crying babies in our house. I sent Landon down to watch Treehouse with John while I nursed Arlan, who then proceeded to poop EVERYWHERE! I was starting to wonder what kind of a night we were going to have.
But Arlan ate and went back to sleep. I watched some Treehouse with Landon and then we turned it off. He didn't want to go back to bed so I said 'let's sleep on the couch'. That 'thrill' wore off after him tossing around for 30 minutes or so, and he was quite happy to go back to bed -- of course it was 6 am by this point :-/ Poor guy.
I let him sleep all morning, and he's played pretty well this afternoon, so I'm hoping he just has a cold and nothing worse :-/ He said his ear hurt this morning, and he had a fever of 38.5', but since I've dosed him with Motrin his fever came down and he hasn't complained about his ear. We'll see what he's like when he wakes up from his naps. He'll be due for another dose of Motrin if the pain and/or fever is back.
But this does explain why he's been waking up SO grumpy the past several days ... whatever this is was probably working it's way into him. Usually my first sign that he's not well is when he wakes up grumpy.

Luckily Arlan has been a good kid. He slept in until 9 am this morning, giving me some extra sleep. And he's napped fairly well throughout the day. Still cat-napping for 45 minutes at a time, but he does do that 4 times :-/ Last night I got him to bed a bit late (thanks to Landon's help ... he had a screaming fit that his legs were hurting ... don't really know what that was about), anyways - Arlan had trouble getting to sleep last night, and wasn't down until almost 9. Hopefully tonight I can get him to bed a bit earlier ... I like those evenings with only one kid to contend with :-/

On a different note....last night Landon was running around with no diaper on (this has been a regular occurence at our house all summer). Now, Landon usually has no diaper on and is outside. He's learned to recognize the sensation that he has to pee, and will stop to watch himself pee (whether he's in the tub, or out in the yard peeing in the grass). Well ... a stroke of luck that I just happened to look at Landon sitting on the couch as he looked down and reached with his hand. I was able to very quickly remind him to use his potty. So Landon got up off the couch, over to his pot, sat on it and peed all by himself. He was even fully prepared to take the now full pot to the toilet to dump out -- but I managed to intervene in time. So we put the pee in the toilet, Landon was very proud to flush, and we washed up.
So Landon went on to play some more, with no diaper, because now he's peed (and he pooped earlier in the day), we're fine, right? I'm upstairs with Arlan getting him ready for his bath and I hear Landon at the patio door "MOM! I NEED A DIAPER ON!! MOMMMY!!!!!" This is a sign that he has to poop, so I asked John to go put a diaper on him. Then I hear "It's not a big deal" This is a sign that he no longer needs a diaper on.
Yup - Landon dropped a log out on the lawn :-D Cracks me up ... I'm SO glad it was outside. And I think it's a good sign that he pooped without the diaper, even if it wasn't in the pot, right? And it's an even better sign that I was busy with Arlan so John had to do the clean-up, right? Heh heh
So that's the potty-learning news for now -- yes, potty learning, because apparently it's more of a learning process than a training regime, or so I'm told. Whatever.

Think 'get healthy' thoughts for Landon, and more importantly 'STAY healthy' thoughts for little baby Arlan....

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