Saturday, September 27, 2008

Random Photos of the boys...

After posting curly hair pics, I had several people recommend to me to 'let the curls be'. Well, this is what we get if we don't comb Arlan's hair into what we affectionately call the 'old man do'. Heh heh His hair is still so fine that the curls don't stick around, but his hair still sticks all over the place. Looks pretty cute actually ... right?

Arlan is now starting to grasp at more and more toys. He's been grabbing the playmat toys for a couple of weeks, but this toy in this pic is the first one he's grabbed that wasn't dangling in his face. In fact, this was the first toy I saw him get really excited for, right from the first time he saw it. (it was a gift from Pam and Glenn and the girls for Landon, so Arlan says "thank you!" again!!). So we play with this toy lots throughout the day.

We're also giving Arlan a different perspective of the play mat by sitting him in the Bumbo to play with the toys. He likes that too for a while, but then he straightens himself out and almost flies out of the bumbo, so we move onto different things :-/ I still have to try putting the play tray that Juli sent on the bumbo, see how Arlan likes that idea.
And Landon still LOVES his trains ... right now he always wants us to play with him, with him directing every single move we make: drive here! no! not there! here! not Percy! Thomas! John delights in either ignoring these instructions or doing the opposite, frustrating Landon to no end. I just do whatever he says until I can't stand the contradictions anymore. Poor kid. I think it'll be good for him to go to a dayhome once a week, he'll learn he can't always dictate play!! LOL

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