Sunday, September 28, 2008

I got to meet the twins today!

Today I was able to go over to meet Trevor and Wendy's twins ... Evan and Dara. Such sweet little buttons! They are adorable, mom and dad are TIRED! But they are doing well, and hopefully will settle into this parenthood thing quickly. I remember how overwhelmed I was with Landon, so I empathise with them ... but cannot know exactly how overwhelming it is with two!! The little ones were 3 weeks early, so they sleep lots still (have to be woken up to eat). I told them to enjoy it ... in a few weeks they'll wish the babies would sleep so long as to have to be woken up!! LOL Isn't that the way with kids?

We went to a birthday party this morning -- Landon had a blast with all the other kids and toys. He didn't like the clown though - he was scared of them, so he hung out upstairs with the adults and the other little girl that was scared. Arlan was an angel, as usual -- he looked around, had a nap on mom, woke up and ate, then looked around some more.
The best part though -- Landon got a fish as a take-home gift!! He is PUMPED about that fish!! It's one of those pretty long-finny things in a rose bowl (I don't know what it's actually called, I'll have to go to the pet store and learn what we need to do). So we'll put it up on his dresser for him (that's about the only surface in the house that is fully out of his reach!). Of course, now I'm wondering what we'll do with the fish when we go back to Sk for a week in a couple of weeks :-/ Ah, the joys of having 'pets' heh heh

Well, gotta give Arlan his bath and hopefully get him to bed. G'nite!

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