Monday, September 08, 2008

Loving the exersaucer

Well, at least tolerating it!!

This is a picture of Arlan's first time in the exersaucer ... He's still in there actually, just a cooing and gooing and drooling all over it. Pretty darned cute I think. Also a good way to keep him upright (for that flat head thing).

We're having a good day. I had to have some bloodwork done this morning - we waited for almost 2 hours at the clinic! Ugh. Luckily I was smart enough to take Landon shopping while we waited (I was number 150, they were serving 113 when I got there) ... he got a new 'monster' truck and a story book to keep him occupied. Arlan was good as usual, had a snooze (that 45 minute cat-nap), and then sat on my knee and watched Landon play.

John finished dry-walling the basement last night. Tonight our mudder/taper is coming and should get started! YAY I can't wait til he's done ... I'm going to CLEAN my house top to bottom to get rid of this flipping drywall dust. Yuck!

That's the quick post for this afternoon ... I'm off to mop my floors while Landon's still snoozing ...

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