Monday, September 15, 2008

Potty News...

Forgot about the potty learning process ... ahem

So Landon is very excited to wear gotchies ... so much so that he would wear them all the time. The problem is that he still isn't quite making the connection that when he wears gotchies, he has to pee on the pot. He peed himself twice yesterday, and again this morning :-/ Poor kid ... every time he pees himself he gets very upset!! Luckily two of those accidents were outside, so clean up has been relatively minimal (besides the increase in laundry).
So this afternoon we put 'gotchy-diapers' on ... pull-ups. I'm going to try to get him to use the pot with those for now ... and when he can use the potty successfully a few times with the pull-ups then he'll be 'rewarded' with being able to wear gotchies again. We'll see how that goes ....

Suggestions on potty learning are welcome by the way -- not guaranteeing that I'll follow any advice given, but I'm always open to new ideas and I think more information is better than less....

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