Saturday, September 13, 2008

YAY Basement!

Well, the mudding / taping is almost done ... Jeff will finish on Monday. And our basement ceiling will be done tomorrow afternoon. WOWSERS!
So next John will likely put the sauna in, and we'll get the drywall primed in a week or two. After that I plan to paint Arlan's room in preparation for moving him into his crib. I picked out the colours today for his room and for ours (but not yet for the basement, go figure!). So there will be lotsa paintin' going on in our house :-/ But it's gotta' be done. And I sure won't miss the white walls!! Of course, I'll still have plenty of white walls ... the hall/stairs, bonus room, Landon's room, and all the bathrooms. Maybe I'll get to those in the new year.........

Landon's feeling better. Had a good sleep again last night. Arlan didn't of course ... he was up 3 times between 1 am and 7 am!! Yikes! Ah well ...

I got my hair trimmed this morning ... it feels SO good to get your hair washed by someone else, doesn't it? Anyways, I look the same, my hair's only about 1" shorter.

That's the quick post. I'm off to start trying to rid my house of drywall dust :-/

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