Saturday, September 13, 2008

I think Arlan caught Landon's cold :-(

poor little sniffly guy :-( he's been sleeping and grumpy all day, and tonight he was REALLY grumpy, and even more sniffly. I don't think he's been up a total of 5 hours all day! We elevated the head of the bassinet, and he's snoozing away already, so we'll just see how it goes. He's also been eating non-stop ... every 2 hours or so ... which I'm thinking is his 3-month growth spurt. I don't know if that would bring on the sniffly-snuffly nose, but it could be why he's sleeping so much. *shrug* We'll just have to see what the night brings. Last night he was up lots, I hope he lets me get some sleep tonight ... I'm tired!

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