Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Returning to normal ... ahhhhh

We are getting back to normal again, I think. At least I feel more normal. Likely to do with getting this mastitis under control (no more pain, just another 6 days of antibiotics!!). Plus I got some clothes washed and we had a good sleep last night, and yada yada yada. Oh yeah, and having my first full day with the boys and no John under my belt, so I know I'll survive it now (although it might not always be fun).

This morning we got our trees and flowers watered, and the pool set up for Landon in the backyard. I'm using his old turtle sandbox for a pool as the blow-up pool has sprung so many leaks it's time to retire it. He helped me lots, and Arlan squawked and squawked until he finally had a snooze in the car seat outside. That was nice because then Landon and I could have a picnic lunch out on the grass.

Landon has been plenty cute these days. He's loving the orange kitty that Grandma Pat sent to Arlan. So much so that he treats it like his baby. He tells me the kitty is crying, then wraps it up, puts it in the bassinet to sleep, and will even feeds the kitty by holding it up to his chest. Cracks me up and melts my heart. Today Landon told me he loved Arlan *so Sweet* heh heh Don't know if he understands the full meaning, but at least he has a positive attitude towards Arlan. He also wants to see Arlan lots (as Arlan still sleeps so much, I think Landon wants to check that he's still alive or something) and today wanted to hold Arlan. Last night he even tried to pick Arlan up out of the bassinet!!!!! Thankfully we were right there, and Landon isn't nearly strong enough to pick Arlan up anyways! *sigh*

I had my post-partum check-up today -- all is healed up and good. No signs of thrush or yeast infections (from antibiotics) which is good. Arlan introduced himself by having a HUGE crap in the doctor's office ... thank gawd I had a change of clothes there for him. Nice, hey? heh heh

So I'm off to try to get Landon to nap now that Arlan is down. I'm sure Arlan will wake up as soon as Landon goes down...that IS the way isn't it? I am tempting fate though, as I've put Arlan down in his crib :-/ We'll just see how the day goes ... after all, John will be home in 3 hours, what can go so wrong in three hours (DON'T answer's rhetorical!). Until next time....

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