Thursday, August 24, 2006

and we have a cold...

Parenthood is a never-ending string of fastballs I think. Landon's cold has fully developed now, waking up this morning with a 103.9 fever!! We got the fever down within about 45 minutes with a bath, some Motrin and feeding him, but still ... that's high!! So we're off to see the doctor this afternoon at 2 pm ... the doctor definitely makes time to see you when a fever gets that high! He's not doing too badly ... he's maybe not his usual quiet happy self, but he's not too crazy either. Just doing a lot of moaning and whining! But we are getting used to it, so we are just spoiling him :-)

I will let you know how the dr appt goes.....

On the good news front: we won our ball game last night ... the series is now tied 1-1, with the third game to be played tonight. Think good things, this is the a-side final!!

Talk soon...TK

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