Tuesday, August 08, 2006

It's a good day...

It's a good day so far! Landon slept so well last night -- 8 hours straight!! It was from 3 am until 11 am, but what do I care, he slept straight through!! He actually went to sleep about 20 after 1, but woke up and ate shortly after 2. By 3 he was sound asleep again and we didn't hear from him until 11:00, when he was understandably hungry! Very nice, very nice. I hope to have a few more nights like that!
And of course today he is just a cute little munchkin, having had lots of sleep! He's down for a nap in his crib, which is always nice. I love the days when he and I have both had enough sleep, because I'm in the mood to enjoy him, and he's in such a good mood it's wonderful to get to play with him!

Other good news: we won both of our ball games last night! We're in play-offs, so winning the first game meant we stay on the a-side, and the second game was the first win of our second series (best 2 of 3). We play again tomorrow night. You can still track our action at www.softballleagueofwinnipeg.com We are Bad Habit -- division 1. Our play-off info is in the play-off sections.

That's the scoop from here today. It's pretty warm again, and likely will be all week. aiaiai But we've got Landon's pool filled in the backyard so I think we'll have a swim today. Hope everyone's doing well...take care. TK

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