Wednesday, August 23, 2006

More milestones...

Landon decided today that he can sit up, for quite awhile too!! We have pillows all around him, but he's just a-sitting there, playing with his toes and stuff. Very cute, the little monkey!!
He isn't feeling too well though, so we've put the cereals 'on hold' for a couple of days in case that's the reason. Most likely he has simply caught a cold from our travels to Montreal. Lots of people, lots of kids, in only a few days ... so it's quite likely that he's got a cold now. No fever, just runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing and a slight cough. He didn't sleep well because of his stuffy nose last night, so I'm hoping it doesn't get worse. It's certainly not as bad as last months cold, if it doesn't get worse that is....

So we'll try more cereal on Saturday morning. Makes it tough because he is so ready to eat more, I just can't fill him up -> especially at night. But we'll tough it out only a few more nights and then hopefully the cold will be gone, the tummy will get fuller and we'll all get more sleep (until the teeth start coming in that is...).

That's all from will hopefully come soon!! TK

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