Thursday, August 03, 2006

Somebody Stop Me!!

I think I've held out long enough, so today Landon and I went to Toys'R'Us. aiaiaiaiai...I sure could spend a fortune in that store! I restrained myself pretty well I think...sort of. LOL Actually, bought some bibs and spoons for the soon-to-be cereal feeding; checked out some high chairs and pack'n'plays but didn't buy any; and bought a tub toy and a crib lights/song thingy-mahooey --> in the hopes that he will watch that thing and get all relaxed and dreamy and fall asleep, we'll see if it works! We bought a bath seat too, we'll see if he likes that or if he prefers to simply lay in the tub still!
I am hoping that we aren't getting sick again. My throat is kind of bothering me, and I noticed Landon was a bit stuffed up last night :-/ Let's hope that he doesn't get another cold, that would be awful! We'll be keeping a close eye on him in any case.

He's still as cute as can be...laughing more and more often now. Gotta love that! And he's napping in his crib very well. So life is pretty good! We're looking forward to the long weekend - if the weather's nice we might head out to Grand Beach for a day...we'll see how nice it is. I don't think it's supposed to be the 30+ weather that we've been having, so that's nice.

Better run, see what the boys are up to! Until next time...take care...TK

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