Thursday, August 24, 2006

Landons Dr Appt

Well, Landon hasn't completely kicked the fever yet, but we've been able to keep it down throughout the day. The dr took some blood tests as he has a "generous spleen and liver" ... whatever that could mean. We go back to the dr on Tuesday afternoon for a follow-up on that issue ... I sure hope everything comes back normal. I don't know why his spleen and liver would be enlarged, I'm almost scared to contemplate on that one! He's pretty miserable, but has been napping well. We will give him some Motrin in a while and hopefully we'll all be able to get some sleep tonight. I find Motrin works the best to keep the fever down and help him to sleep overnight.

Ball -> we lost the a-side final tonight, but we can still move through the b-side to come back and play for the championship. We play Monday and Tuesday of next week.

Other news -> not much. We're looking forward to a visit from Kirby tomorrow afternoon.

Anywho ... I'll post tomorrow on Landon's state of health. TK

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