Wednesday, August 02, 2006

We've reached the 16 pound mark!

I took Landon to be weighed today ... we've finally reached the 16 pound mark! He's officially doubled his birth weight, as he's 16 pounds, 1.8 ounces (was 8 pounds, 0.6 ounces at birth).
And...another first: John and I went out for lunch together today and it wasn't even a disaster! Landon was very good - he was awake the whole time, but he just watched some kids playing at the table beside us, and played with his blanket, and stared at the chair, and smiled and kicked and stuff. Maybe we'll have to go out for lunch more often ... ? Heh heh
I was at the dentist this morning, got a filling. I was worried I might need a crown, but a filling was all it was. Now the freezing is mostly out, thankfully.

That's the scoop from here today! Hope all is well where you are! Take care and chat soon...Tamara, John & Landon

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