Thursday, August 31, 2006

We're doing well today...

Despite the VERY windy weather!! Promising to have a thunderstorm tonight as it's quite humid and there's a system rolling through.

Enough weather talk!! LOL Landon and I are doing well. He slept very well last night - this moving him to his own bed in his own room is wonderful!! I got 4.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep - I feel I could take on the world :-P Plus I got another 3 hour block, and an additional 2 hour block, so lots of sleep for mommy last night!! When he woke to eat I pulled him into bed with me, where he stayed the rest of the morning since John is gone fishing. When I can put Landon away from me, he sleeps quite fine in bed with me. But if he's anywhere close to me he thinks he needs to be nursing, the little stinker. So when John gets back he'll have to go back to his own bed after eating so that we can all get better sleep.

We started giving Landon cereals twice a day now, as he's an eating machine. I couldn't believe how much cereal he ate last night, so I thought I could introduce another feeding during the day. He's eating like a trooper now that he's feeling a bit better!! Making it easier for the milk-producer too, as I can actually satisfy him now :-) Maybe on Saturday we'll introduce another cereal, see how he likes barley ... heh heh (if he's anything like his mom's family, he should like barley ALOT!! Right Grandpa!!?!??!)

So that's the news from here today ... not much of it, but that's okay. John will be back tomorrow afternoon, hopefully with lots of fish! I can finally shower again (couldn't get the glue-stitches wet for 48 hours), so I should smell pertier :-P And we're supposed to get some nice hot weather over the next couple of weeks, so hopefully we can use Landon's kiddie pool a bit more before fall sets in for good :-)

Hope you're all well....take care and chat soon...TK

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