Saturday, August 26, 2006

Still feeling sick...

yes, Landon is still sick, but we think he's getting better. If he wasn't so stuffed up I'm sure he'd feel fine. Last night he slept from 9 pm until 11 am -> not straight through mind you, he was up several times to snack and twice to eat, but still! That's a long time full of mostly sleeping!!! And he napped all right today as well ... He's just getting a bath now and then (hopefully) we'll be off to bed for the night again. We'll see...
We tried to give him cereals yesterday and today, but he's not that interested. I think it's because he's just not feeling well, so we haven't pushed it at all. As he gets better I think he'll take more cereal. I'm looking forward to that as I hope that it will help him feel more satisfied in the evenings and hopefully he'll go to bed 'better'.

Everything else is fine with us. Going to do some work on the house ... replace kitchen flooring and countertops, and I'm planning to paint our bedroom and some other stuff. Planning to put our house up for sale in a few weeks so we need to get everything ready. If we can find the energy that is! aiaiaiaiaiai

That's the news from here. Hope all is well with all of you. Pics are still on their way -- I promise I'll post some soon... Take care...TK

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