Thursday, August 10, 2006

Travel Plans...

We have some travel plans made ... it's been awhile in the making :-) We are headed to Montreal on Sunday -> Landon's first plane ride!! Let's hope all goes well ... I really don't want to be that couple on the plane totally mortified because their baby won't stop screaming! I remember watching families with small babies get on planes with trepidation, praying that their seat wasn't near mine ... I hope that karma doesn't bite us in the butt and give us that screaming kid now!! We shall see.
We are there from Sunday until the following Monday, with lots of visiting planned!! Should be fun, and tiring too I guess! LOL We will be putting Landon back into the hammock for naps and night-time ... he took to the hammock very well last night -> sleeping for four hours in there before waking up for a snack!! And he napped in there again tonight, so there shouldn't be an issue there. I'm just hoping we can borrow an exersaucer or something from someone there, or we'll go bonkers being his exerciser all week :-P
On another front: ball play-offs are going well. We won our first and second series, and have moved to the A-side final which will begin the 21st.
And ... we went out to visit Pam Hilton in their new house in Niverville today --- VERY NICE!! It sure is a beautiful new home! Landon enjoyed most of his time out there, too ... was only a little bit cranky when we left but who can blame him. He had a nice nap on the way back to Winnipeg ... he was asleep within 2 miles on Niverville!

That's the scoop from here. We haven't made any plans to travel back to Sk yet ... but hopefully soon. We'll be sure to let everyone know. Alot depends on how these first flights go!! Any advice out there...let me know!

Take care everyone!! Tamara, John and Landon

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