Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Milestones, Milestones ... everywhere is Milestones!

Big day today -- Landon ate cereal this morning for the first time. He liked it pretty well, eating over a tablespoon of the 'thick water' as it were :-/ We will continue to give him cereal in the morning, and will introduce a 'dinner' meal as well later this week. He hasn't seemed to react negatively yet, so we'll see. Hopefully this will help him be more satisfied the rest of the day, as he's been an eating machine the past few weeks and I just can't seem to fill him up. We went out and bought the highchair today too - at Toys R Us. It was hard not to spend $2 billion in there on 'stuff' ... aiaiai. But we got a high chair and only a few other things ;-)

And....[drumroll please] -> after weeks of 'trying', Landon rolled from his tummy to his back tonight!! YAY!! I think he was just so happy to be somewhere to get some 'floor time' ... heh heh The past week in Montreal he spent mostly in someone's arms (usually mine). But dad played on the floor with him tonight and he rolled over! Very exciting day!

I've uploaded pics from our trip, but have to go through them yet. Will post some from our trip, as well as the 'first cereal' pics too!! Hope you're all well ... take care and chat soon! Tamara, John & Landon

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