Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Potty news...

Landon has been peeing on the toilet the past couple of days. He likes to do it because he gets to flush the toilet afterwards (it's like he pees just to get to flush!). But I don't particularly care. I'm going to try putting him in some pull-ups and put a smaller seat on the toilet with a stool in front so that maybe he'll try it on his own? He may be one of those kids that doesn't like the little pots and goes straight to the toilet, who knows?! Or maybe this is a 2-day thing and it will end now that I've gotten my hopes up.

The other news on that front: Landon was running around naked last evening (like usual!), and all of a sudden he says to me "Need diaper on! Need diaper on!" So I put a diaper on and he pooped. I had asked if he wanted to poop on the pot but he said no ... just to give him the option. But I was pretty impressed -- shows that he recognizes the sensation of having to poop, and the need to do it somewhere specific (versus just letting it fly). So that's a good step too.

So maybe now that we're company free, we'll spend some time focusing on the potty ... maybe. I do have gotch for him too, which I may just bring out to show him what he can wear when he starts peeing on the potty regularly.....maybe. heh heh (I sure hope I haven't jinxed this just as it was getting started...)

And one more thing -- Landon now has his last 2-year molar. Phew! Again, we'll be done with Landon's teething just for Arlan to start in upcoming months....Ah well.

1 comment:

niknac said...

There are some awesome potty seats at Zellers. They are an actual toilet seat with the potty seat built into the lid very cool. We have one and my parents have one they are about $27