Thursday, October 19, 2006

And John's off...

to Calgary, house-hunting. John flies out tomorrow morning and will be back Monday afternoon - hopefully with a deal on our new house in Calgary!! YAY Yippee!! Now we're getting even more excited for this move!! We've spent two days staring at houses on-line, and are completely bleary-eyed, but there are (surprisingly) a lot of houses for sale in the areas we're interested in, so we're optimistic that this trip will be fruitful.

That means that Landon and I get to hang out all weekend together. Little stinker-pants. Today we all slept in, so we missed getting Landon up at 9:45, instead we all got up at 10:45 (I wonder where Landon gets this sleeping-in habit from!! LOL). Tomorrow I will get him up at 10 again and we'll go from there. I think he'll still go to bed fairly decently tonight ... likely by 1:30 or so (he was asleep about 1:30 last night). He's been going to sleep well at night, not as much fussing to fall asleep like at the farm (obviously his teeth aren't bothering him as much these days). So we'll keep moving his wake-up time up, and hopefully we'll get this going to sleep time moved up a bit soon too.

John and I went out for a nice dinner tonight to celebrate our anniversary. We went to a french restaurant, La Vielle Gare. It was delicious - and so nice to go out without Landon (I hope that doesn't sound too harsh!!). Thank you so much to Trish for watching Landon for us (lucky gal didn't even get a poopy-pants to change!). But John and I are both soooo full ... ugh. Dinner was much too good I guess!!

That's the news from here ... I'll try to get some pics posted soon, and will keep everyone posted on our house-hunting....until then! TK

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