Saturday, October 21, 2006

I spoke too soon...

I spoke too soon about the teeth thing ... Landon had a really rough night Thursday night, I think it was his teeth. He would fall asleep only to wake up 5 - 15 minutes later crying, hard. This lasted until 3 am, when he finally fell asleep and stayed asleep - on me, while I went to sleep on the couch. But at least we got some sleep!! And he woke up at 7:40 am, which is unusual ... he hasn't been waking up overnight at all. So I definitely think it's teeth. When he plays on the floor, it's all about whatever teething toy he has close by ... he ignores his blocks, balls, etc, preferring to chew chew chew on something hard or rubbery. So maybe we'll get to see another tooth in the next week or so.
That said, last night he went to sleep really well. I gave him some Tylenol, so maybe that helped ... ? But I put him down at 1:30, and he went to sleep on his own and slept until 10:15 when I got him up today. Which means I slept peacefully from about 1:45 until 10 - YAY. Oh yeah, 10:15, not 9:30 like it's supposed to be. After his bad 3 am night, we slept until 11! Oops!! So this morning was 10:15, and I think he was out of bed for 30 minutes before he even opened his eyes ... poor stinker, so sleepy in the mornings. And he had a crazy long nap this afternoon, so I could be in for it tonight! Oh well ... we'll take it as it comes I guess. *Shrug*
John's busy busy busy looking at sooo many houses in Calgary. We've got a 'short list' of about 5 from what he's looked at so far, and he was going to look at 6 - 10 more this afternoon hopefully. If we can get things narrowed down tonight, that will be great! It's exciting seeing all of these houses ... I can hardly wait to have a new address to share with everyone! :-D
I have a few more pics to post, so I will get that done here soon. Hope all is well...take care!! TK

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