Friday, October 13, 2006

The teething continues...

Landon's first tooth is still working on popping all of the way out ... we see more of it all the time. And this morning John noticed the outline of the second tooth, so we should see that one soon (hopefully in less than a week). Landon is still a bit fussy, moreso at the end of the day, but he went to sleep a bit better last night. And was soooo sleepy at 11 this morning when John got him up!! It took about half an hour for Landon to wake up, he just kept putting his head back on John's shoulder ... then he took a big poop for daddy :-) Heh heh, I like when I don't have to clean those diapers!!
Things are going well here. The new flooring is in the kitchen - it looks fabulous!! The kitchen is much brighter now, I really really like it. Now I just have to fix up the backsplash in the kitchen (the new countertops end about 1/2" lower than the old ones), and we'll be done. I don't know if I'll tile, or paint. We'll see.
The job-hunt has gone well ... John should be 'employed' by the end of next week. We don't know when the start date will be, and we still have to make arrangements to buy a new house, sell this one, etc. But we may be moved by Christmas, which was what we were hoping for... I'll keep everyone posted.

That's the big news from here for today. My life is pretty uncomplicated these days, just feed Landon, play for awhile, he and I both nap (ahhh), and repeat. I am looking forward to volleyball practise on Sunday though, and the season starts next Wednesday. I haven't done anything since ball ended at the end of August, so it's about time. With Landon nursing less, I've gained a couple of pounds back, so it's time to start doing more exercise and I'll have to (gasp!) watch what I'm eating :-( Oh well ... I've eaten like a pig for about 15 months, so I can't really complain!!

until next time....TK

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