Tuesday, October 03, 2006

We made it!

Well, the trip wasn't nearly as harrowing as I worried it would be ... PHEW! We hit the road ~6 am on Sunday, Landon slept until 11 (we usually have to wake him at 11 at home, but he woke up right at 11 on the road :-/), he was fine for another few minutes, but was pretty hungry by 11:30 so we stopped in Indian Head for a bite to eat. We stopped at the Craft-Tea Elevator ... very nice place to stop. The food was so-so, but the craft room was nice to walk through. We bought Grandpa's birthday gift there (a nice photograph of Ernfold elevators).
So we fed Landon, ate a bit ourselves, and then Landon was pretty much ready for his nap, so we hit the road. He did wake up in Regina, and I thought the last 2 hours wouldn't be so pleasant, but he went back to sleep and slept all the way to the farm! YAY!

So we're here. Landon is napping like an angel (like usual), having troubles getting to sleep at night (like usual). He's super tired today, as he went to sleep at 1 and got up at 9:40 (woke up early on his own ... don't know what that's about...but he still woke up happy). So maybe he'll go to sleep a bit earlier tonight - I'm tired! LOL

We've just been hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa these past couple of days. We're going to Swift Current on Thursday, will stay until Saturday. John's coming back from Calgary on Friday night and will meet us in swift. It'll be nice to see him ... I miss him and I think Landon does too. But I have to admit, Landon has adjusted quite well to a new place. And once I get him to sleep, he's sleeping well.

Happy Birthday to Johnny-cakes!! He had to celebrate in Calgary without us today :-( But he said the job-hunt is going well, so that's good.

Well, that's the news from here for now. Landon's enjoying Grandma's house, we think he may be seriously working on a tooth or two, and he loves peas. I will try posting again in a few days if I get a chance. Landon's sleeping in the computer room, so I don't get many chances to get on-line ... when he's sleeping I can't get in here, and when he's awake he's keeping me busy. :-/ Ah well.....Until next time...TK

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