Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Life is getting busy...

Frantic may be a better term...:-/
We met with the Realtor tonight. We plan to list the house on Thursday, with showings starting Sunday. **GULP** So we'll be spending tomorrow getting outside spic and span (the weather is forecast to be nice, thank goodness), and Thurs, Fri, Sat polishing inside. Mostly we'll be de-cluttering the inside :-P And finishing up some details, like I'm putting ceramic tile on the backsplash...to add some pain to the process heh heh. Oh yeah, and carpets get steam-cleaned Thursday too ... so they should look great! But I'm confident that we'll be fine in getting everything done, we'll just be tired on Sunday!
The good news in it all ... we'll be showing the house Sunday through Wed (was going to be Tuesday, but since that's Hallowe'en we moved it to Wed). Which means we'll be spending time with family and friends on those days (I don't want to be home only to get 6 phone calls to leave in the next 30 minutes ... too hard on me and on Landon, especially for naps). So we'll spend our days visiting, and what could be better? It ensures that we'll get some visiting time in before we leave in a few short weeks! And they will be days when we aren't cleaning our house, looking for a new house, nor fretting over things. We'll just be visiting. I'm looking forward to that.

So next Wed we're hoping that we'll have the house sold :-) YAY And it'll be cleaned and decluttered, and some stuff will already be packed :-) And then ... *sigh* It'll be so busy leading up to moving ... hopefully Landon won't get sick in there or anything. The on-and-off teething fussies are enough. He was good the last couple of nights (I've likely just jinxed it and he'll be awful tonight!). He goes to sleep well, but then wakes up 30 - 45 minutes later and cries for a bit. We've been leaving him alone, and he gets himself back to sleep within 5 to 10 minutes. He usually wakes up shortly after that and does the same routine, and then finally is asleep for the night. I don't know why he wakes up like that - but we've found that leaving him alone he gets back to sleep and all is good. He sure bounces the ambybed ... I think that helps soothe him back to sleep.

And Landon ate chicken today !! YAY He still made faces, just not as bad as last month when he ate the chicken! LOL He had just a bit (to taste), and we'll try it again tomorrow. He's such a munchkin ... eating so much :-)

So that's the news for tonight. I may not get a chance to post for a couple of days, but hopefully I'll get a quick break every now and again. Any one who's interested in helping out, just let us know :-) Cheers!! TK

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