Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Week long travels...

Well, we survived the week back in Sask and are safely back home today. It does feel good to be home ... but we really enjoyed the trip back to Sask. Landon traveled so well, there and back (sleeping most of both trips ... we left early in the morning to accommodate that). And he even slept pretty well while we were there, although it did take him awhile to get to sleep most nights :-/ Surprise surprise. He started full-fledged teething last week, so we had a very late night at Grandma and Grandpa's, and he's been really fussing when trying to go to sleep ever since. It's funny, he actually went to sleep really well at Carla and Dave's, but didn't sleep as well overnight (waking up 3 or 4 times). At Grandma and Grandpa's he really struggled to get to sleep, but once there he slept very well. *shrug* Who knows! heh heh

So we're in teething mode now ... every night he falls asleep nicely, only to wake up several times crying and chewing on anything close to him. I've been walking and holding him to sleep, even spending an hour or two on the couch when he first falls asleep before putting him to bed. I sleep all right that way (I'm usually so tired by the time he goes to sleep), and it ensures that he gets some sleep, so that's what I've taken to doing. I'm curious what tonight will bring as he slept so much today on the trip home. But he had a 2 hour nap after we got home ... I don't know if he's still looking for a third nap (I sure hope not!!), or if he'll be good to go down for the night when he next goes to sleep. I'm not panicking, what will be will be.

This week we're planning to introduce some fruits ... we've gone through plenty of veggies, so I think it's time Landon got some sweetness :-) (and not just whipping cream, Dave!). So we'll start something yummy in a day or two. He's loving peas and even creamed corn now. Little piggy. And he's doing four full 'meals' through the day too ... cereal for breakfast (4 Tbsp), and veggies(2-3 Tbsp)/cereal (2-4 Tbsp) for lunch, dinner, and before bed. aiaiaiai
Nursing is still going well ... 5 times a day, with the fifth being a cluster-feeding type of thing while getting him to go to sleep at night. Especially with the teething, he must like to sucking motion ... soothes his gums and alleviates teething pain a friend told me. He doesn't usually wake up over night, but that's likely because he's only getting ~8 hours by the time he gets to sleep (we're still waking him in the mornings so that we don't push the schedule back too much).

It's funny now that we're on more solids, we definitely know when Landon's pooping. He will be sitting and playing, and all of a sudden he's very serious and concentrating quite hard on the business at hand. He just made a stinker, makes me smile to watch him, he's so cute!

Thanksgiving was very nice. We got to see Aunty Yvonne, Great Grandpa Leisle, and Landon met his cousin Kyle for the first time. It was so nice ... I will post some pictures soon too.

I should go, I could write a novel, but I will write more when I have pics to post with it. :-) Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Until next time...TK

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