Wednesday, October 25, 2006

day one of house prepping...

and it went well. We got the yard cleaned up, the garage swept out. I put up the ceramic tiles (will grout tomorrow) -- that was way too easy for words. I'll be tiling more things in our new house ... heh heh, unless the grout-work is terrible! John completely cleaned up the basement, it looks huge now :-) Didn't know our basement was so big! Tomorrow is carpet cleaning, and finish cleaning up the basement.

Landon was so funny today. I had him outside as I was hosing off the cobwebs (so many spiders this year!). He was sitting on a blanket in the front yard, just looking around at everything, all "I can't really move in this snowsuit". I heard some squawking, looked over the bushes. There he is, face-planted in the grass. He'd tried to pull some grass out (the evidence was clutched tightly in his fist), and in doing so had pulled his face into the ground. There was dirt covering his face, he was sitting there mewling to be picked up ... I just about peed laughing at him!! But we got him all picked up and cleaned off and he was quite fine to sit there for a bit longer ... until nap time anyways!!

So that was our day. Tomorrow is cleaning day two ... will hopefully post again soon!! Take care...TK

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