Sunday, October 15, 2006

pooping machine!

Landon has been in full-poop-production mode the past couple of days! Man oh man!! We are no longer worried AT ALL about the functioning in that area LOL I've increased his cereal intake while decreasing slightly his veggies / fruit, in hopes that we will slow this down a bit?! 3 times a day, covering all that he's wearing, is a bit much :-/

Things are going well though. We are working on moving his sleep phase earlier, so yesterday he was up at 10:45, today 10:30. He is so sleepy when we get him up, John said today he didn't even open his eyes for about 15 minutes!! Hopefully he will start going to sleep a bit earlier too. We will get him up at 10:15 tomorrow, 10 Tuesday, 9:45 then 9:30. That's where I'm stopping for now, as daylight savings ends next Sunday, and then 9:30 will be 8:30 and we'll have almost normal hours. Then we'll work on getting more of those hours in his night-time sleep with less napping hours. He's napping 4.5 hours during the day, sleeping ~9 hours at night ... I'd like to move an hour to 1.5 hours from the day to the night if we can ... if we can't I won't sweat it though. It's nice to have those hours to ourselves during the day too. But I would like an hour or so to myself at night too, if we can figure that in somewhere :-/ If only I functioned better on 7 or 8 hours of sleep, but unfortunately I'm still tired unless I get 9 (how ridiculous is that!).

Had volleyball practise today. Felt good to get out there, but it looks like my team has found my replacement so I won't be playing any volleyball at all :-( But I will still go to cheer them on and drink a beer or two I think!

That's the news from here. Grandma has requested more pics, so I will work on getting some more on the blog soon. Take care....until next time! TK

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