Monday, October 30, 2006

How could I forget...

The most exciting news of the day: Landon rolled over from his back to his tummy for the first time today!! YAY He was playing on the floor last night and almost rolling over (he's figured out it will get him closer to interesting things like toys), and today he did it!! Then he started fussing because he was on his tummy LOL What a kid!
He's starting to move around a bit more ... last night he was on the floor in the living room and after awhile he started fussing. Because he had himself crammed up against the couch (he's only figured out how to wiggle in one direction I guess!). So we won't be able to leave him on the floor upstairs without the gate up anymore ... Our days of immobile Landon are fast coming to an end I fear.
A few days ago as well, I was on the phone with my mom, with Landon sitting on the floor by my foot. He reached over, grabbed my leg, and almost pulled himself right up. He was on his feet, with his butt sticking out, but he got too tired I guess so he didn't make it all the way up. And later that day, he was sitting on the floor and jump-scootched himself about 3 foot forward, while sitting. He leans forward to the point he's almost going to do a face plant, then pushes down with his feet while throwing his upper body into the air, which causes him to kind of bounce forward. It's pretty neat to watch him figuring out all of these ways to try to move...little stinker!

So that's the mobility report for the week ... we'll keep you posted on any further developments.

On a different note: Nikki -- any news? You haven't posted for a few days....

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