Friday, October 27, 2006

day three of cleaning...

We're on day three of house-prepping ... and I'm feeling tired! LOL To be expected I guess. But we are close, we can see the end. The kitchen is cleaned fully, the basement is show-ready. The bathrooms are spotless. Even the windows have been washed (Dave should be glad to hear that...) Tomorrow is the final cleaning in the bedrooms, the laundry room, and the 'one-last-time' vacuuming and floor cleaning as needed. It's amazing what two people can accomplish when we set our minds to it. John cleaned the basement, I focused on the kitchen, and we just went at it.

Of course, Landon has been an absolute dream ... playing quite happily by himself for most of the day, having nice naps, and then last night going to sleep about 1 and staying asleep (the past couple of nights he'd sleep for 20 - 40 minutes, then wake up and need me to help him back to sleep ... grrr). Landon was so tired this morning, he was 'up' for almost an hour before he woke up. He'd just loll around on us, or go to sleep if we put him down. lol I tried sitting him up on the floor, he just bent over double with his face on his feet and went back to sleep!! Hopefully he'll still go to sleep well tonight, as I'm in need of some serious zzz's.

So tonight I'll do some more cleaning and then the final spurt tomorrow should have it done. Phew! Then let's hope lots of people come through the house! Heh heh We'll keep you posted!!

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