Monday, October 30, 2006

day two of showings...

Day two of showings completed. Half done, phew! There was 8 showings yesterday, 6 today, and 3 scheduled for tomorrow so far. Hopefully we'll see some offers get written soon too :-)
We had a nice day at Aunty Margarets. We all slept the afternoon away! LOL Landon went down for a nap around 2:45, John and I went to sleep about 3 and we all slept until 5 pm! It felt so nice, especially since it's snowy and yucky here anyways! I was thinking of going to the mall, but it was way too snowy. And the nap felt sooooooo good :-) Hopefully Landon will sleep tonight.
He had trouble falling asleep last night, and today we see a much more pronounced bump on his bottom gum. Might not be too much longer and we'll see tooth #2. And the top ones seem to still be working on coming through too, but they will likely be a bit longer.
It was funny last night, he fell asleep only to wake up within 15 minutes. Then he really struggled to go back to sleep, so I gave him to John and he went to sleep within a few minutes :-) And I was already asleep in bed by then too. Worked well -> I think we'll have to try that some more ... heh heh. His poor teeth are just bugging him too much, he wants us to hold him to sleep, but he's getting heavy! I might just curl up on the couch with him tonight if he's struggling again, maybe he'll stay asleep better on the couch with me.

Hope everyone is warm wherever they are. It's nights like tonight that I get super-excited to get to our new home and our new fireplace :-) Until next time...TK

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