Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Quick note Tues afternoon...

Last night we almost got to sleep a bit earlier. Well, Landon did get to sleep earlier, much earlier. He fell asleep at midnight. But woke up shortly before 1, and struggled to get back to sleep. He was still sleepy, but maybe his teeth were bugging him or something? He would wake up and fuss, and fall back to sleep very quickly, only to wake up 10 - 15 minutes later fussing and crying again. I finally gave him some Tylenol about 1:45 and put him back down and we didn't hear from him again until we went in to wake him up. So at least he got a bit more sleep last night than he's been getting, even if I only got to go to sleep at 2 am! :-P
He was in a much better mood this morning (and we did get him up at 10:15 today ...), and has been happier all day. He's just down for his second nap right now, so it's nice a peaceful again. He's sure playing lots now, it's a ton of fun!! Right now he's really liking this cloth ball that Grandma gave him ... we toss it into his lap and he laughs and laughs. I also bought some 'roll-around' balls for him, and he's enjoying those too.
We're just waiting and watching to see if that second tooth is going to pop on through one of these days. We can see just a faint outline, and he hasn't been too fussy these past few days, so it could be a while longer.

Phoned for flu shots today ... still no serum, so we'll likely have to wait until Landon's Dec 11 appointment. And I don't know if we'll even still be here then. John and I may be able to get in to our family doctor in November, so I don't know why the Ped can't get serum until Dec? But that's the medical system I guess. Maybe it's a sign to not even bother...?

Oh yeah - other big news (how could I leave this to the end!?): John accepted a position with Toromont today. He hasn't nailed down a start date yet, as we're trying to co-ordinate that with when we can get possession of a house. But he is officially employed now, and we know what kind of tractors and stuff Landon will be playing with (Caterpillar)! Grandpa may throw a few red ones in the mix too, I guess. It'll be red and yellow tractors for Landon :-)
So we're full-fledged house-hunting now, but still debating on when John will make a trip out to Calgary to do some hunting in person. But we're one step closer...

That's the big news...we'll keep you posted on any further developments!! Until next time...TK

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