Thursday, January 15, 2009

Arlan Pictures

Arlan LOVES to play on his tummy. He can now get himself maneuvred around to get the more interesting toys, and is quite good at rolling to his back and to his tummy as he wants. Unless he's tired, then he wants help!! I noticed yesterday he's also starting to pull his knees up under him a bit, especially when trying to reach a toy that's out of reach in front of him (he used to just stick his legs straight out the back!), so I'm thinking crawling will be on order soon....

Here's Arlan asleep in the sled again. It was much colder this day, and snowing slightly. He didn't care - he still nodded off!! LOL So sweet :-D

And here's our little smiler. The sun shines in to the computer room (bonus room) so nicely in the morning, and he loves to play in here (which works for mom to check her email too!!). He is just too cute. And his hair -- like, what do you do with that!! It looks like the wind's blowing it off to one side!! LOL And those curls are always off like that! In some pictures he reminds me of a mad scientist or something with this wild hair all over the place! heh

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