Thursday, January 15, 2009

Weights and Measures...

I took Arlan in for his 6 month shots this morning. He was SUCH a trooper - not even a squawk for the first needle, and only about 15 seconds of tears with the second. I opted out of the flu shot for him, for a few reasons: he would need a booster in 1 month to be fully protected, and by then we are less than 6 weeks away from the 'end' of flu season; plus the rest of us are vaccinated already so we are less likely to bring it home to him; and since I'm still breastfeeding he still gets protection from me as well. So only 2 needles for him today, and no more until he's 1 YAY!

How does Arlan measure up? He's 18 pounds, 10 ounces (gained 1 lb, 3 oz in past 4 weeks -- that's almost 5 oz a week!) and 27" tall (same as last month). That puts him at 75th percentile for height, 50th for weight. He's a chunky monkey, but would be even moreso if he wasn't so 'tall' :-) The solids are serving him well I guess.

All other areas he's fine. Head shape is fine, she couldn't check his hips (like the doc couldn't) as he kept pushing back on her. There's no sleeping issues, no feeding issues, all's well with the little smiler -- just what I like.

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