Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Poor bum :-(

I took Arlan to the doctor today. He has a red spot on his bum - it's just a dry-skin area right now, but it's been there for over 10 days (since the 16, day after he got his 6 month shots), so I figured I'd better get it checked out. It's on his buttock up the back, so I usually forget about it all day until I give him a bath, as I don't even see it when changing his diaper. He got a cream to put on there, and we will go back to the doc next week. Hopefully it'll be gone. Doc figures it might be a localized reaction to his shots, or maybe not - so we have to put cream on at bedtime and see how it goes from there. It doesn't seem to itch or anything, thank goodness.
Arlan was not impressed at the doc's office though. Apparently he doesn't like to have his diaper stripped off and "strangers" examine his buttocks!! LOL He howled like only Arlan can! poor kid

I had a good afternoon today though. Arlan and Landon actually napped at the same time (knock on wood!!), and I managed to get a little nap in with Landon. So wonderful - I love when that works out :-)

so that's the quick update for today .... until next time...

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