Saturday, January 24, 2009

Still not the best sleep...

Arlan is still waking about 1 or 2 am to nurse, and then again 6:30 (when he's up for the day!!). I think I can see a little white spot starting to show on the bottom gums, but I can't always see it so I don't know if it's wishful thinking or what? There isn't a bump yet, that's for sure, so if it is teething, he's several days away from much 'action' anyways. But I'll keep watching.
It's been cold again here (like the rest of the country), but that doesn't stop Landon from wanting to go outside. Such a nice change from winters past! We get bundled up and he's happy as a clam to trundle around outside!! His cheeks get so rosy, but he never wants to come in. Must be a sign that he's got warm enough clothing!! LOL He really enjoyed helping me shovel the driveway yesterday. There was only ~1" of snow, so he had no trouble pushing it with his little shovel. He had well over 1/4 of the driveway 'cleared' by himself (by cleared, I mean the snow was moved elsewhere ... sometimes off to the side on the snowbank, sometimes over to my side of the driveway, sometimes just on his shovel...). Then he showed me a 'trick' (his favourite new way to get you to come with him) by walking on the hard snow ... pretty FUN!!

So the pics -- Landon actually almost smiled nice for the camera, so thought I'd post it. He was enjoying a pancake, one of his favourite things these days (and mine too, since I 'sneak' sweet potato in there so he gets some VEGGIES!! LOL).
And Arlan - despite waking me up more often, he's still as smiley as ever!! Especially when he's working on being mobile. He's rolling all over to explore, and yesterday he was pushing himself backwards while on his tummy with his knees sort of up under him. Soon soon he'll get that crawling thing figured out I'm sure!!
I'm off to a bridal shower this afternoon, stagette tonight. I'm looking forward to going out with some friends, not looking forward to a hangover (so hopefully I'll be successful at containing myself tonight!! LOL). Won't post tomorrow though, that I'm sure of. Until next time...

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