Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Arlan's starting to explore...

Arlan is fulling exploring his world these days -- well, he's exploring the living room floor anyways. It's so cute to watch. Before he'd by on his tummy, playing with and noticing the toys that were within reach (i.e. right beside him). But now he rolls onto his tummy and is noticing the toys that are on other side of the room. Now mostly, these toys are Landon's, so they are VERY interesting!! LOL
So I have been trying to teach Landon how to know if Arlan can have a toy or not, by using the toilet paper tube trick. Landon thinks that's quite fun, although I'm not sure he really 'gets' what I'm telling him. But for the most part I just tell him that Arlan can't have his trucks, and he's happy with that. We'll see how it goes once Arlan starts to crawl.
And Landon is still flipping out when Arlan squawks, I'm curious to see his reaction when Arlan starts to crawl. Because I'm pretty sure Arlan will be crawling straight for Landon once he gets it all figured out!
Every time Landon comes into view, Arlan follows his every move and has a big smiler on his face. He has started to try to talk to Landon too. Of course, Landon jabbers a mile a minute, but if he's ever quiet, Arlan looks at him "Ah Goo!" as if to say "Hey, why so quiet? You're entertaining me!"

So I'm getting ready to put the gates up and do a full-fledged housecleaning top to bottom in the upcoming days. I'm not looking forward to it, but I'm afraid it's coming sooner than later. Maybe, just maybe, the rolling thing will occupy Arlan's learning curve for awhile, and he'll hold off on crawling for a month or two? Of course with rolling I'll still have to get some cleaning done, but it'll take him longer to fully explore the house I'm thinking (hoping).

And it's supposed to get cold here again for the next few days. Our run of wonderful weather is coming to a halt. It's been so nice - take the boys outside after lunch, no ski pants, some days just a sweatshirt for Landon, Arlan all happy hanging out in the car seat. Mommy muttering and swearing while she chips ice off the sidewalk (how bloody thick can it actually get!!).
Oh well, with the colder weather, maybe I'll get more organized in the house? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Ok, until next time...

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