Monday, January 26, 2009

it's definitely teething time in our house...

Arlan hasn't popped a tooth through - yet - but he's working on it. There's a definite bump on the bottom gum now, so all I can do is HOPE he gets it through soon so the fussies can disappear! We just aren't used to dealing with a fussy Arlan, so we are like newbies at it all over again! LOL Last evening he was sooo fussy. That plus he isn't napping as well through the day (45 mins to an hour usually), so he's plenty tired.
On the upside, he slept last night from 6:30 or so until 7 am this morning. Which was a blessing, as I was very sleepy from my previous evenings activities (Kristi's shower and stagette). So I got a good sleep too (10 - 7 ... likely the longest sleep I've had in a year or more!).

Landon's been doing better on the sleep front too. He goes to bed much better when I'm either already in bed (like 2 days last week when I went to bed at 8 pm!), or go to bed right after tucking him in (letting John turn off his light a few minutes later and making sure I don't get up to see him again at all!). So that means he's waking up at 8:30 a lot easier too, which is great.

So that's really the only news here. I got my passport photo done this morning, so will fill that app out and go to send it off tomorrow. *shrug* Don't know what else is new ... nothing really. Will post more when I know more ;-) Until then ...

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