Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Yup - it was poking through this morning! Just a little bit of it, you have to feel for it (or be lucky enough to catch a glimpse ... but I think he knows we're looking in there because he keeps his tongue over his tooth all the time!), but it's there. Phew! The first one. Hopefully he'll be a sleeping dream again now :-)

Other than that - things are pretty slow. Took the boys to the library today - Landon is excited to go there now and read books. Of course, that means I read a page or two and then he grabs more books from the shelves (the poor people having to reshelve them all!) and then he just jumps around the kids' area :-/ I did manage to keep his destruction to a minimum, only left about 3 books out at the end of it all. Arlan was wonderful, hanging out in the stroller, smiling and cooing and ah-gooing, and taking in the whole thing!

Ummm ... got our furnace cleaned (hence the trip to the library ... WAY too noisy, even Arlan was howling and Landon had his hands plastered over his ears!). Ummmm.......yeah, so that's about it. I'll try to get some pics up here .. maybe try to do that tonight. Until next time...

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