Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Arlan rolls over!

Arlan rolled over from his back to his tummy for the first time today. We were downstairs cleaning up toys (so that you could walk without stepping on something ... and I mean that LITERALLY!!! aiaiaiai). Arlan was on his back having fun ... but he loves to play on his tummy SO much that he just rolled on over by himself. Then he kept right on playing.
He LOVES to play on his tummy - preferring that to his back for the most part, unless he's quite tired. His favourite right now is to be on his tummy on the play-blanket Grandma made, batting balls around with his hands (the play-blanket is perfect as it has a 'stuffed edge' so the balls are less likely to roll away -- by 'stuffed' I mean there's quilting sown into the edge of the blanket, making it about 1.5" high).

We've also been able to feed Arlan more 'stuff' lately. He likes sweet potatoes, and butternut squash. Today he even ate some apples, although he wasn't particularly excited about the oatmeal at that time (first time he ever wasn't gung-ho for oatmeal). He has been sleeping funny all day too ... hope it's not teeth bugging him, although I keep waiting for that day when they do start to come in. I'm very curious (anxious) to see how he reacts. Landon was bad for the first one, and for the week he got 6 at once, but other than that teething wasn't too big a deal for him. I wonder what Arlan will react like?
Anyways, he's having a 3rd nap right now, as he had short naps earlier in the day. Likely means a bit later of a night for him, but really ... 7 or 7:30 still isn't THAT late!! LOL This kid amazes me every day with his going to bed at night - it's a lesson everyone else in this house sure could learn ;-)

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