Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Well, we had a good time last night ringing in the New Year. John played for a party downtown at the Westin, and since I managed to not be sick this year I was able to go. The lead singer from the band's daughter babysat for us, and it sounds like things went all right on the home front too.
It was quite nice to go out - everyone was dressed right up, which is always wonderful to do on New Years Eve. We had a nice dinner, and I really enjoyed finally getting to see the band perform live. They're better than I thought they'd be!! LOL We got home about 1:30, so not too late, but I'm still tired today. Must've been all that DANCING I did last night ... yup, had to be the dancing :-D

So we've had a slow day today - I've been pureeing veggies, both for Arlan and to try recipes from the Jessica Seinfeld recipe book Deceptively Delicious (gift from John for Xmas). I'm trying my first recipe out for supper tonight (which I see I'd better get at! )

So HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!! I'll try to get some NYE pics on here in the next couple of days. Until next time...

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