Sunday, January 11, 2009

Haven't done much this week...

Well, this week has past, and we didn't do too much :-/ I guess we did some running around, dropping John's car off to be fixed and picking it up again. We did discover through these journeys that Arlan no longer screams when it gets dark out and he's in the car. That's a VERY good thing ;-) Both boys were amazingly patient with the whole process, which was almost 2 hours in the car on Friday afternoon when we dropped John off to pick his up (yup - rush hour ... gotta love it!! NOT!).

Arlan's still working on getting some sort of mobility - when he's on his tummy he can quite easily spin himself around to get toys he wants (and even toys he shouldn't have). So we put him down facing one way, and aren't sure which way he'll be facing when we next look. And he can move himself a bit to the sides, but not too far yet. He's really working on getting forward momentum. If I put a toy he wants just out of reach in front of him, he works sooooo hard to get it ... and is learning that he needs to have his arms out in front of him (not back by his sides like he's flying like Superman!!), and is starting to push up on his hands while moving and squiggling his legs. I think one of these days he'll move himself forward a bit, and then ... *sigh* I'm waiting for it, but not anxiously!! LOL I like the non-moving Arlan for right now :-)

Landon's been watching CARS movie ALL the time ... he gets up in the morning and that's all he wants to do. We haven't even gotten him to watch the new Thomas DVD's from Aunty Yvonne and Uncle Greg! It's all CARS, all the time. I've started to set the timer when he gets up, and when the timer goes off so does the TV. It has worked well, although I haven't done it this weekend as we've been busy enough the tv hasn't stayed on. But I think I will keep that up to try and minimize the television viewing.
I'm just hoping that soon Landon will not be so scared of the basement and will be confident enough to play down there by himself. It's not that I mind going down there, but my being down there does not get laundry done, dinner made, dishes put away, etc ... (yes, I do some of those things every day!!). But I am trying hard to stay patient with him to help him get comfortable, and I'm doing little 'tests' every day -- like going upstairs for a glass of water while he waits for me on the stairs instead of coming right up with me; or waiting for him on the stairs while he runs to the basement to get a favourite toy. It's a slower process than I'd like, but the pay-off will be huge when we get him used to it.

Other than that - not too much news. Had my cousin and her family for lunch yesterday - it was nice to have a bit of a visit. Her little guy sure is cute - 19 months and full of energy. Reminded me of what we're in for in about a year :-/ I love Arlan just the size he is now .... but I guess we all have to grow!

That's the bit of news from here. Will try to get some pics posted soon - until next time...

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