Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Is it teeth?

Poor Arlan. He's been sleeping SO well, but the past several nights he's been waking about 2 am ... I've been feeding him, he goes back to sleep. I'm not liking the 'extra' feed overnight, but last night when I just ignored him (for only 10 minutes or so) he just cried harder and harder so I fed him.
Now tonight he woke up at 10!! He hasn't woken in the evening hours for SO long! He was asleep ~6:30, but that's not unusually early for him. I tried just giving him a soother, but he really cried HARD! When I did go and pick him up he was so sad :-( He nursed, and I put him down, and I think he's back to sleep (haven't heard anything for about 15 minutes or so).

Now he is nursing when he wakes, but I think it's more soothing than anything. I'm almost wondering if his teething is starting to kick in? He's 7 months with no sign of teeth popping through yet, but this is the exact time when Landon REALLY fussed (Grandm and Grandpa will remember it well....) and about 2 weeks later his first tooth came out. So maybe that's what coming up with Arlan?
Either that or maybe an illness? He was crying so hard tonight, he was hiccupping and trying to nurse :-( He's such a sweetheart ...I hate to see him cry so hard. Hopefully these additional wakings will not continue though ... we'll have to see.

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