Sunday, January 18, 2009

oh my ...

Arlan is getting closer to crawling! Tonight while we had playtime before bathtime (we do this every night -- spend some time with Arlan naked playing on the floor in his room with mom. He really likes it, I think because Landon's usually not around!) ... anyways ... tonight while we had playtime in his room, Arlan was rolling all over and grabbing toys and grabbing for me and what have you. So he's on his tummy reaching for me (all the while, that big gummy grin!). I pulled his upper body up off the floor, and ZIP! Those little legs just went right underneath him and he was pushing down with his knees (does that make sense ? He was pushing with his knees to propel himself forward). As soon as I'd put his weight back on his hands he's lay down flat again, but he's getting the idea, that's for sure.

Of course, with all this learning going on, Arlan is not very interested in going to sleep at night. That's new for him! Last night I don't think he went to sleep until 9 (he went to bed at 7, but I heard him cooing and ah-gooing intermittently until almost 9). Tonight he cried for about 15 minutes before going to sleep at 8:30! And we were kind of used to him going to bed at 6:30 or 7!! But tonight is our fault too - we had to drop John's car off to get fixed, so we had a long car-ride late in the day and Arlan had a quick catnap at 6 pm (only about 10 minutes, but enough to cause some troubles I think).
So hopefully Arlan drops this crying at night thing (even this laying the crib thing). I like the "goes to sleep without a problem" Arlan much better. We'll see how it goes. I do have to admit, the whole 13 hours in bed thing does seem a bit long for me - so if he spends only 11 or 12 in bed, but sleeping straight through, I'll be fine with that :-)

Anyways, I have some pics to upload, and so will do that and hopefully post still tonight and can then tell more stories about the pics :-D Until next time...

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