Friday, April 27, 2007

such a little monkey!

Landon continues to be so adorable it's pathetic! John keeps saying that we need to have another one so that I can quit oogling-googling over Landon so much -- he's probably right too!! aiaiaiai

He has left the door handles alone since discovering his new height, which has been nice. The only one he is very curious about is the basement door. I guess because he never gets to go down there? We have a lock on it, and he keeps fiddling fiddling (like his dad!!). He's not strong enough to manipulate it yet, but we're watching him!

The weather's been nice finally. We spend our afternoons outside as much as possible. Either going for walks or just playing at the park. Meeting lots of moms in the park too :-) Landon loves to swing while on my knee, and loves to go down the slide.

That's really the news from here - it's been pretty easy-going lately ... which I am liking! Julie comes up tomorrow which I'm looking forward to. And that's about it. Until next time...TK

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The many faces of Landon :-)

Landon is such a card - he cracks me up every single day. Especially with the ridiculous faces he makes! LOL From the sh*t-disturber (in the red shirt) to the angelic (with arms behind his back) to just downright adorable (outside), I cannot get enough of him. Well - that one picture taken with me ... isn't that just a priceless face too! LOL Just about peed myself laughing when I saw how that photo had turned out!!

Finally - some pictures!!

Finally got some pics uploaded for everyone :-) The one where Landon is lifting the pot is from Apr 1 - before he got sick. Our strong little muscle man -- he loves to pick things up and carry them around!
Then when he recovered from being so sick, we got a pic of him with dad (this is from one of the first days he didn't sleep all day).
And the little monkey playing with our big pillows - another favourite item. He tries to carry them around (which is hard because they're as big as he is), and when he gets tired of that he throws them on the floor and throws himself on the pillows. Until he misses (which he's done a few times now) and slams his face into the floor. It's pretty funny to watch actually (yes, we are VERY mean!! LOL ) :-)

Sunday, April 22, 2007

weekends go by too fast

The weekends sure do fly by quickly - holy moly!! Yesterday we did some shopping at MEC -- I bought a shirt, John bought bike stuff (new tires for my bike actually ... pretty nice!). Landon just squirmed in his stroller, wanting to rip everything off of every shelf if he could only get free. Until he found the new tire, then he chewed on that for awhile :-/ Nice.

today we went out back for a bit - John and I threw the football around, Landon ran around and go muddy :-) Every time he fell he'd just whine - I guess the ground was muddy and cold so he was afraid to move. He'd just wait until we 'rescued' him! Goof!!

We think we might've figured out one of his 'words'. Today he pointed to a cookie (sometimes also called a cracker) and said "Gaakoo" ... we think that might be cracker ... but it might just be coincidence *shrug* We're just waiting for that first word to come out. Like everything else Landon does, I'm sure he won't talk, won't talk, and then one day he'll say a full sentence. *shaking head* He does say 'mom mom mom' and 'dada' very well, and he's even starting to reserve them for John and I accordingly. And he repeats what we say, as long as it's something he feels confident 'saying' -- like goo goo, gagagaga, lalalalala, dadada, dodododo, dado, etc. Dado seems to be a favourite, esp if he finds a 'treasure' (a treasure is anything he thinks is a neat find, then he runs away with it clutched protectively to his chest. If you try to take a treasure away, you have a fight on your hands, and some dirty looks are coming your way, and quite likely some straight-armed feet-stomping too).

That's the news here today. Not too much - nice quiet weekend :-) Until next time...TK

Friday, April 20, 2007


It cracks me up that 2 months after Landon learned to walk, he's learned to crawl 'properly' - by that I mean on two knees and two hands (versus his crawl which was one knee, one foot, two hands). Funny little guy - he looks so funny now crawling for all he's worth on both knees ... his bum just a-wiggling!! lol Now crawling is a form of play for him, which makes me laugh so hard!!

Today we went swimming- he had a blast. He 'swam' for all he was worth for about 15 - 20 minutes!! We went through the 'river' and under the fountains ... he was very busy! Then he had a very good snooze when we got home! lol I really enjoyed it too.

That's the news - not much from here today! Until next time..TK

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Two New Things :-)

Lock your doors- because Landon can now reach the doorhandles :-) That's right - yesterday he opened the pantry door for the first time. He can reach and knows how to work the 'french door' handles, but he can't turn the door knobs yet, so the outside doors are safe, for now. Heh heh, the house just got a whole lot bigger for our little explorer!!

AND -- FINALLY -- Landon got his 8th tooth!! YAY The last tooth came in on Feb 13, so it's been quite awhile since we saw something new in there. Now he has 4 teeth on the top, and 4 on the bottom - he's evened out :-) And he's chewing and biting anything and everything that gets even close to his mouth too - fun.

Our computer crapped out this morning - - it just wouldn't turn on. It was our power supply box :-/ Luckily I phoned the right repair place, and the dude was here at 5:30 and had our computer fixed up by 6 :-) yay I say I phoned the right place because another place I phoned said we'd have to order the power box from Dell, and it'd 2 or 3 weeks (!!). This guy brought one with him and we're all good to go. I guess it pays to phone around :-)

Our weekend has opened up, as Tanya had to cancel her trip at the last minute. So John, Landon and I will be hanging out in the snowy weather. We're thinking of going to get John a new bike, and some new accessories for mine. Other than that, no real big plans, other than avoiding the snowy conditions as much as possible.

That's the news from here. Hope all is well with everyone. And a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Grandma Leisle tomorrow :-D Take care...until next time! TK

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

old pics, but still cute

These are pics of Landon's first spaghetti and meat sauce meal. AS you can tell, he quite enjoyed it!! I think we'll be having lots of spaghetti and meatsauce!! These pics are from Mar 13. I will take some more pics soon - I haven't been taking as many lately -- I guess Landon's fallen prey to that 'well, you're 1 now, so no need for so many pictures' kind of thinking!! lol
For the record, we'll also be eating lots of Kraft Dinner as Landon really likes that too :-)

Weather warning ...

So THIS is what Calgary's all about -- a snowfall warning for mid-April! heh heh S'posed to be nice and snowy tonight and tomorrow - YAY. Luckily Landon and I spent lots of time outside yesterday, so hopefully we won't suffer from too much cabin fever for the next couple of days :-)

We went to aquasize yesterday - it was nice to get back there :-) Landon still loves the water ... yesterday he tried to drink the pool dry. Idiot- then he puked it all back up (of course!). But we had fun in the water, which was good.
We went to the park yesterday afternoon, and Landon went down the slide 'by himself'! That is, I would put him about half-way down, where it's kind of flatter, and then go to the bottom to catch him. Usually I'd have to tug his shoe to get him to come down the slide, but he absolutely loved it. He enjoyed the swings too, and watching all of the other kids, and running around on the grass as well.

Last night we ran around on the 'prairie' behind the house for awhile as well. Landon loves to be outside. We've got the gate up on the deck, so we can leave the patio door open and he goes in and out. It still takes him awhile to get in and out, but he's getting better.

He's not stupid either. He took a couple of hard falls in our bathroom over the past 5 days or so ... once with slippy pj's on, and the other night on some water on the floor (which he'd splashed there while bathing!). This morning, he would NOT walk on the bathroom floor - he'd stand on the rug and whine for me to pick him up!! funny guy. Makes me laugh.

I guess I should get some pics uploaded to put on here ... it's been awhile. I'll work on that! Promise! Until next time...TK

Sunday, April 15, 2007

and the weekend's over :-(

Another weekend has come and gone. But at least Landon was healthy for this one. Yesterday we went shopping -- for some clothes for John, and some computer stuff, and we went to the pet store which Landon loved :-) I think he was just happy to finally be outside!! LOL And he loved running around the clothing store while John was trying stuff on ... kept me running too.
Today we went out to Jason and Christine's - they are from 'back home' and now live on a great acreage just outside of Calgary. We watched the hockey game, then the kids played outside. Landon had a blast - so much space, he just walked and ran all over, picking up sticks along the way. And he got a ride in their wagon, which he really enjoyed too. It was pretty nice - we really appreciated the chance to visit with them, and it was fun to watch Landon 'play' with their 2 girls - Jaiden and Madison.

Tonight, we are just hanging out, not doing much. Landon is playing full-speed ahead again. After dinner he ran around and around and around the island, he was huffing and puffing but he kept going. So I'd say he's back full-speed :-) Which is very nice, for all of us. Of cousre, his little adventures have us chasing him down all the time, and half the time he's got himself in some sort of a predicament, but it's fun!

So that's the Sunday Report. All's well in Calgary!! Take care...TK

Friday, April 13, 2007

Much MUCH better today :-)

I would have to say that Landon is finally recovered, fully. His rash is gone, he's sleeping well, in good spirits, playing, eating, pooping, all the good things in life :-) YAY!! Just in time for the nice weather, so we went for a nice long walk today. It felt good to get out and stretch my legs. I think Landon enjoyed it too - the fresh air and to watch all the cars ... he still loves watching the cars go by.

Just a quick post to let you know that Landon's a-ok now. Will post again soon...TK

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Landon on the mend ...?

As I type this, I am listening to Landon jumping up and down in his crib - - just like he likes to do before falling asleep for a nap! Good news!!
Last night he didn't fall asleep right away when I put him down, another good sign that he's recovering. He played in his crib for awhile before going to sleep. This morning he slept until almost 11 (!!!!), which means I had a VERY good sleep last night finally! I was up twice early in the night to check on him, and then at 6 am, and other than that I actually slept! It was glorious!

Of course him getting up so late means that he's likely to be up late again tonight, but I think I can handle that. I'm just glad he's getting back to his old self. He ate lots this morning, including some of my cereal, and played played played. So much different than yesterday when he ate and fell back to sleep in my lap right away!
It's finally nice out as well. I'm hoping we'll go to the park for awhile this afternoon - give Landon some nice fresh air for the first time in about a week. For mom too :-)

The only concern I have right now with Landon is a small rash he developed yesterday. He's got a light rash on his upper back, neck, and a bit on his upper chest as well this morning. I called Health Link, the nurse didn't think it sounded serious, so I'll just watch it. If it doesn't go away in the next day or so, we'll go off to the doc again. The Health Link nurse said that lots of times kids will get a rash after being sick, so unless it's oozing or itchy, not to really worry about it. Easy for her to say ... not to worry about it. I've become a pro at worrying this past week! aiaiaiai

But it is so nice to have my giggling, playing, dancing Landon back!


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Our sleeper-head update...

Landon sure has been a sleepy-head the past couple of days. The illness and seizure must've really taken it out of him! aiaiai He woke up this morning crying hard until I fed him some cereal, then he fell asleep in my lap! He hasn't done that for MONTHS! So I put him back in bed shortly after 10, which is where he still is, sleeping away.
He was up for only a couple of hours last night and was back in bed by 10 pm (he slept from 6 to 8 before that). He slept through until he was sooo hungry I guess at 9:30 this morning.
So the days are quiet here. I know one of these times he'll get up and start running around, but until then all I seem to be doing is sitting here waiting for that to happen. All the sources I've found (including the Ped at Children's Hospital) say that there are no negative effects from a febrile seizure, no brain damage at all, but until I get my Landon back I won't be 100% positive of that. As tiring as it is, I want my crash-around Landon back, full-speed ahead! *sigh*

On the positive side, his fever is now very mild if there at all. Last night he was about 99.5 when we put him to bed. This morning he didn't feel warm at all. And I only got up about 4 times to check on him overnight ... heh heh So I'm still a bit tired today, but not as bad.

That's the news here ... just quiet around our house. Take care...TK

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Dr Appt...

The dr appt went well ... Landon's ears are still clear, and his temperature is right back down to 'normal'. YAY We went to Superstore and bought some ice cream to celebrate! lol Mom AND Landon AND dad can celebrate with ice cream :-D
Landon is a lot happier even now than he was earlier this afternoon - so things are definitely looking up. Now we'll just see how mixed up the days and nights are, and how our sleeping plans will go for the next day or so :-/ Oh well, that's a good problem to have right now!


Fever and seizures update...

Landon is doing much better today. He's been such a sleeper all yesterday and today ... he slept all but about 5 hours from 7 am yesterday morning until noon today! aiaiai But he was up for a couple of hours this afternoon - had a good lunch, played for awhile, and then back down for a short nap until I get him up in a few minutes to go to a dr appt. This appointment is just a follow-up with our family doctor, just to double-check his ears and chest, etc.
Landon's fever is down today, almost gone really (knock on wood!). I've only had to give him Motrin once since yesterday afternoon, which is nice. Hopefully we are getting to the very end of this illness, and our Landon baby will be back to us soon. While he's playing and stuff, he's still a bit of a dopey-head, so I'm looking forward to him being his old self. And I'm looking forward to me not feeling like I have to check on him 36 times a night, just because he moaned or grunted in his sleep !! lol aiaiaiai

So that's the quick update - Landon's doing better. Thanks for all of your emails and thoughts...I appreciate them all! Take care....TK

Monday, April 09, 2007

Febrile Seizure!!

Well, last night was a long one. Landon woke up at 1:40 am crying, with a fever of 106.5!!!!!!! We gave him a quick bath, and then he and I snuggled up on the couch watching cartoon network. He was starting to cool off a bit, his arms and legs were cool to the touch, and after staring dazedly at the tv for about half an hour he fell asleep. He started about 10 minutes later, giving a sort of squawk, and then went into convulsions. Just about killed his mommy to watch!!! :-(
I yelled for Yvonne and John to come downstairs. The seizure lasted about 30 seconds or so (it seemed like it lasted for 30 days!!). He was pretty groggy when he came out of it, he would barely even react when we wiped him with a damp cool cloth. Poor poor baby Landon!
So off to Ab Children's hospital we go....
We got there shortly after 3. He was still soooo hot - they treated him first with Advil, then Tylenol, and after 2 hours of crying while waiting to see the doctor (yup, 2 hours), they gave him some Codeine. That finally konked him out, which is when the doctor came in to see us (of course).
He was thoroughly checked out ... no ear infections, chest x-rays were nice and clear (what a torture chamber that xray machine is ... aiaiaiaiaiai ... I'd be yelling blue-bloody-murder if you stuck me in there too!!), no other signs of secondary or bacterial infection. So - we got to come home about 7 am. Landon was cool finally (the first time he was normal temp since last Tuesday!!), and he slept from 7 until 2 pm (I slept til 1, felt great. John not so lucky - he slept for an hour then went in to work!). He was up for about an hour, drank lots of juice, had some cereal, and I've put him back for a nap as he was fussy and rubbing his eyes. I've given him Motrin (the right amount now - I was under-dosing him before, which is why he'd cool down for 4 hours, then get hot for 2 until we could dose him again ... now the docs gave us specific instructions on what to give him based on his weight last night so hopefully it'll work better). He had a fever of 102 when I dosed him at 2, hopefully he'll cool down and have a nice nap.

So that's our night with Landon. Poor poor baby.

Here's a link for more info on febrile seizures if you're interested

There are no short- or long-term negative effects apparently, it's just a thing some kids do when they get fevers. The doc said there was nothing we could've done to prevent it (like proper Advil dosing, or seeing doctor sooner), and he may or may not seizure again. Let me tell you - likely the hardest thing to witness I've ever endured! He squawked and tensed up, then his eyes rolled back in his head, he spit up, and started convulsing (just like on tv...arms and legs jerking, body jerking, head jerking). It was hard not to squeeze him to me, I had to force myself to give him the 'room to move' so to speak. And it seemed to take so LONG. I am glad that I was holding him though - somehow it makes it better because I was there for it, he didn't have this seizure all alone in his crib (although he was unconscious and will have absolutely no recollection of having the seizure).

We have an appt with the family doctor tomorrow afternoon. Just to check again for secondary infections. Maybe I'll ask for a referral to get a massage - my neck is so tight and sore from holding a squirming kid in the hospital last night (he wouldn't fall asleep at all, until he got codeine, just cried and squirmed for 2 hours). And since aunty Laura isn't due to come up for reflexology for a few more weeks, I can't wait for her treatment. *sigh*

So think really good 'no more seizures' and 'get over the cold' thoughts for Landon now, for sure. I will keep everyone posted on any further progress.

On our related note: we did have a great visit with Yvonne and Greg and Kyle. I would've liked to have had more chance to visit without worrying about Landon, but what time we did have together was very nice. We hadn't really had a chance to visit with Greg one-on-one before, it was always a big family setting, so that was really great. And I'm glad Yvonne was here to help us out with Landon last night - John was able to get an extra hour or so of sleep before the seizure as Yvonne stayed up with me, and she was definitely a calming authority figure when he did seize (good ol' first responder training - she stayed nice and calm!). They left this morning - I felt bad as I just grogged good-bye from bed as I was catching up on some sleep. Hopefully they have a good trip back and beat the snowstorms that are supposedly on their way. aiaiaiai

So there's our news - *shrug* Will post more as anything happens. Take care...TK

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Still sick :-(

Landon is still under the weather :-( He's been feverish all weekend, fussy and bothered. Poor little guy, breaks our hearts. He was pretty good Fri night, but Sat afternoon he started getting super hot (while mom and Aunty Vonnie were shopping). Sat night we put him to bed with a fever of 103!! I slept in the chair in his room so that I could check on him all night long. Today I bought a cool mist humidifier so hopefully that will help him more tonight. This afternoon during his nap he sweated, so hopefully he's working through this fever and will recover soon. Tonight he's in a better mood - but he's definitely playing 'mama's boy' tonight!! lol No one else is really good enough, that's for sure!!
If he's still feverish tomorrow, we're going to go to the walk-in. It'll be 6 days of fever tomorrow, which is more than enough in my books!! aiaiai

Aside from Landon being so sick, we've been having a nice visit with Yvonne, Greg and Kyle. Lots of good food and good wine. Of course, that's when we actually see Kyle ... he's usually MSN'ing or texting with friends :-/ Teen-agers!! LOL

That's the quick note for today - I'll post tomorrow on whether or not we go to the doc. Until next time...TK

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Feeling better...

Well, Landon seems to be feeling better. He slept all night long, which was good for him and for mom!! He didn't get to sleep until ~11 pm, but he slept until 10:30 am. Tonight may be a bit later, but Ill have to get him up in the morning so that we don't lose this nice getting up a bit earlier thing :-/ That's okay, though -- we have plenty to do before Yvonne, Greg and Kyle get here in the late afternoon :-)

I'm the one feeling crappy tonight though. I hope it passes quickly! Maybe another good night's sleep will really help.

Landon's cute as a button today, of course. Amazingly, he laughs when we do the snot-sucker thing on him now (sooo much different than the hysterics when he was younger!!). I think the sound it makes makes him laugh, the sucking, gurgling sound! LOL What a kid. There are still hysterics when we wipe his nose though ... heh heh
But I did take him out today. He didn't get out of the car, but at least he got out of the house for awhile. We picked John up from work and did a couple of errands (John just stayed in the car with Landon). Saturday we'll likely get him outside for some fresh air as it's supposed to be a lot nicer.

Anyways, that's the quick update. Landon's definitely on the road to recovery (let's hope I didn't just jinx it!!), and hopefully my 'flu' will be short-lived. Have a good Easter everyone ... in case I don't post throughout the weekend! TK

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Not feeling so good update...

Well, last night was better. Landon didn't go to sleep until about midnight - he just wouldn't settle down, and I did not have the heart to leave him in his crib crying. In the end I had to - he would cry for about 5 minutes, then be quiet for about 5, then cry again, then quiet ... after about half an hour he gave in and went to sleep. Broke my heart - but he would cry even when I held him, and he was just so tired all he could do was rub his eyes and rub more snot across his face (eeeeewwww). He woke me up crying at 2, but by the state he was in when I went in there I think he'd been crying for awhile already, maybe 10 minutes or so. He cried cried cried and then fell asleep on me on the couch likely about 2:30. We slept there until 6 when the coffee maker kicked in. Well, he slept pretty well, I mostly just dozed on and off. He's such a squirmy little monkey. It's been a long time since I held him while he slept, he's soooo big!! But we managed it all right on the couch. I put him in his crib at 6, and he slept until 9:30.

he has big dark circles under his eyes today - poor guy. They look bruised they're so dark. They got better after his first nap though, so hopefully he's regenerating. His fever was down today, but started to creep back up before I put him down for his second nap so I gave him some Advil again. He plays some, but mostly he's a snuggly, huggly guy today. Thankfully he's still got a good appetite, and has been drinking too. We'll just have to keep on watching him. I'm waiting for an ear infection to settle in - I'm avoiding taking him outside as much as possible. Poor kid will be suffering from cabin fever soon too!!

John luckily managed to sleep all night, didn't hear Landon crying at all. So that's good - hopefully he'll be feeling better today and will be that much closer to being over his cold. I'm feeling better, despite such little sleep. I haven't been doing much - just putzing around. It is amazing how much I can get done without really trying when I just stay home all day though :-)

That's the news from here ... keep thinking healthy happy thoughts for Landon! TK

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Update on not feeling good...

Well, Landon has had a day of ups and downs. He was slightly feverish most of the day, but woke up from his second nap early with a fever of 102, so I gave him some Advil. That took him from absolutely miserable to adorable in about 20 minutes, and he played happily all evening.
I just put him to bed though, and his fever is back up to 100.5, so I gave him Tylenol and some Dimetapp to hopefully clear his nose so he can sleep. He's in there crying now, so I'll have to go and check on him shortly. He was pretty wired, not really wanting to settle down, so it could be awhile before he gets to sleep. *sigh* Hopefully he will sleep some tonight, so that John and I can get some sleep too.

Well, I'm off to check on Landon now ... more tomorrow. TK

Sick little Landon :-(

Last night Landon was up most of the night - screaming and howling in pain. Poor little monkey-pants. We're not exactly sure yet what's up. At first we thought it was his tummy (at the 11 pm and the 12:30 am wake-ups). He farted a couple of times then would settle down. We gave him gripe water too. But when he woke again at 2, 3:30 and 5 ... aiaiaiai I gave him Advil at 5:15, and by 6 he went to sleep (in his crib) until 10 am. Phew! He would wake up, cry hard for about 15 minutes, then have trouble getting back to sleep for another 15 - 30 minutes. Then sleep for about an hour and start all over again. I slept with him from 2:30 on, in the big chair in his room. But at about 5:45 (after the Advil) he no longer wanted to be on me (which was good news, meant he felt better) and he slept in his bed. Thankfully I then could get some sleep. But not poor John - he was up at 6:30 to head to work ... so I'm sure today is dragging on for him.

So, maybe tummy, but I don't think so. I'm thinking either he's caught John's cold, or his eye teeth are starting to come in. His nose is runny today, and he has a slight fever (100.3 - 100.6). But he's eating and drinking well, and playing away (just took a bunch of John's records out of their box...aiaiai). And he napped well this morning too. So unless he gets worse, we'll hope that we've experienced the worst and hopefully we can all get some sleep tonight.

and hopefully whatever it is has run its course before Aunty Vonnie, Uncle Greg and Kyle come for the weekend.

Poor little Landon. Everyone think healthy thoughts for him today :-) Until next time...TK

Monday, April 02, 2007

Fun Weekend!!

I had a great weekend! Carla was up playing hockey in a tourny in Airdrie, so I spent Friday and Saturday nights with her and the team. It was great to see Carla playing hockey, I haven't watched her before (she is good, all this time I thought Dave was just bragging up his woman, but he was right!). Both nights were pretty low-key, but it was just nice to get out for awhile. Made me appreciate being home with Landon more too - having gone out I've kind of recharged my batteries and I am more patient and everything today.

Landon had a good time with dad. Well, I don't think he even knew I was gone Friday as I left after he went to bed, and was home before he woke up. But Sat I went for supper and came home Sunday afternoon. So Landon and dad had fun together.

I took Landon out to watch Carla's hockey game on Saturday morning. At first he wasn't too interested at all, but then I think he actually saw these people moving up and down the ice, so fast and so smooth - he was mesmerized! He actually sat on my knee and watched the game -- hard to believe for a kid that barely stops moving all day long! lol

Saturday afternoon we went to a family fair / trade show. It was pretty good - much better than the one we went to last month, that's for sure!! Landon enjoyed it too I think - he got to see a big blue mascot-type thing, played with some bubbles, went to the petting zoo (which had only little goats, but that was ok), and was just generally pretty cute. And thirsty ... we had to find some sample/give-aways to get him more to drink ... he drank his juice in about 13 seconds flat!!

It's a snowy wintery wonderland outside again today. We didn't leave the house! lol I will have to go get some groceries and stuff, but I thought I might do that tonight and leave Landon with John. I don't mind the cold too much, but I don't like to take Landon out when there's too much of a windchill if I can avoid it. And since John's just getting over a cold, I don't want to put too much strain on Landon's immune system and maybe he won't get the cold. I myself am taking Cold F/X for the first time in sooo long! One of the benefits of no more nursing :-)

Yvonne, Greg and Kyle are coming up for Easter weekend! YAYAYAYAYAY We are so looking forward to having them. It'll be nice because it won't be as many people as Christmas, so we'll get a chance to visit a bit more. And the weather's supposed to get nicer for the weekend, so that's good. I will have to get my freaking house cleaned this week - aiaiai I can't believe how much a person can fall behind just by going out on the weekend! Nuts!

Landon's doing pretty darned good on the stairs now. He can climb them no problems (usually - we do still need to be right behind him just in case). If only he would climb the stairs to the bedrooms when I want to go there instead...he always wants to climb up to the bonus room it seems!! He is getting better at crawling down the stairs too - yesterday he made it all the way down by himself (again, we are right there for the times he decides to just sit down!!). But he's getting much much better, and very quickly too. Aiaiaiaiai

That's the news from here for now. I'll try to get some pics posted soon. We got some of Landon carrying one of our big clay pots yesterday, how he could lift that thing and still walk ... it's heavy and big. What a kid!! He loves challenges!! Until next time..TK