Saturday, September 06, 2008

Arlan had a big day :-)

Arlan realized this morning, for the very first time, that he has FEET! We were hanging out in bed (b/c I was too tired to get up yet) and all of a sudden he saw his little feet wiggling around. How fascinating! He watched them for several minutes, while John and I watched Arlan watching his feet :-)
Then he was playing on the playmat and grabbed the little octopus. This is a big accomplishment for him too - he hadn't yet actually grabbed a toy (he's been batting at the hanging toys, but no grabbing). He hung on for dear life, all the while checking out the baby in the mirror hanging there. heh heh

One thing I can't seem to figure out with him is his issue after baths. Arlan loves his bath, he's smiling and cooing and talking the entire time. Then when I pull him out he screams ... sorry to say it ... like a little girl! You know ... that high-pitched, OMG you're killing me kind of scream. I have no idea why. One night he didn't, I don't know what I did differently. *shaking head* If anyone has any ideas, let me know. I've tried not washing his hair, washing his hair, carrying him facing out and facing in when I take him to get dressed, longer and shorter bathtimes, different types of towels... Tomorrow I will try no soap at all to see if that is bothering him. *shrug* Once we get him dressed, he usually calms right down, and then we get him ready for bed (nursing and off to bed). He responds so well to the bath otherwise, always ready for bed afterwards too so I want to keep it as part of his bedtime ritual (unlike Landon where the bath always got him revved up :-/ ). I'll just keep trying, but I might stick some earplugs in for future baths.

It is pretty cute when I pull him out of the bath (before the screaming starts). He has discovered that baby in the mirror too. So I just hold him standing up while he smiles and talks to that other baby. Cracks me up. I just love watching him learn all of these things. Soon he'll sit in the Bumbo longer and then I'll put him in front of our mirror for awhile and he can goo and gurgle to his heart's content!

We sure had a sleepy day today (must've been all of Arlan's learning). Me and the boys all slept for the entire afternoon!! Arlan went to sleep ~1:30. Landon went to bed at 2:30, fell asleep around 3. Arlan woke up at 2:30, so I crawled into bed with him to nurse him back to sleep. I fell asleep with him, and we all got up at 6:00!!!!!!! That was despite John working in the basement and making gawd-awful noises too. We must've been sleepy is all I can say.

It was nice to have Arlan sleep that long. He hasn't been napping as long in the afternoons these days ... I think he's transferred that afternoon sleep to the evenings, as he's been going to bed earlier for me. Can't have it all, right? But he is falling asleep on his own for his naps and at bedtime, which I like. He even had his morning nap in the crib yesterday (usually we're out at the park or whatever in the mornings). His afternoon nap is in the bassinet, and today most of it was in bed with me (he was soooo sweet, snuggled right up to mommy!). Then he usually has a cat-nap right around the time we're eating supper, lately that's been in the swing.
After supper we bathe him, listen to him scream, nurse him and he goes to bed. He wakes up twice overnight to eat ... usually 5 hours between meals (i.e. if he nursed at 7:30, then he wakes ~12 or 12:30, then again at 5 or so). And we've been waking up for the day at 8, which isn't too bad. He's happy when he wakes up in the mornings now (before he used to wake up cranky and hungry, it was a rude awakening for this mama, let me tell you!), so we have nice morning times before Landon wakes up. Of course, Landon still keeps rock-star hours (I'm putting him to bed when I post this), but it does give me a chance to have one-on-one time with both boys throughout the day. Hopefully we'll get Landon's schedule moved up a bit too, now that mom is out of bed in the mornings :-/ Heh heh

Anyways, that's enough about sleep -- what a sleepy day! LOL Until next time...

1 comment:

niknac said...

maybe when you bath Arlan try putting the towel in the dryer to warm it up and then take him out maybe he is just cold. who doesn't like towels right out of the dryer anyway. I will be harder for you then me consider our dryer is right next to the bath tub but who knows give it a try