Thursday, September 04, 2008

Landon is Amazing!

Of course Landon is amazing, aren't all parents' children amazing?? Maybe I should say Landon is amazing for me to watch as he learns so many things.
These days, Landon has so much fun reciting the letters wherever he can find them. He can sing his ABC's, has been able to for awhile now. But now he recognizes the letters wherever he sees them and takes great pleasure in reciting them all. He gets G and H mixed up, but those are the only ones usually. He is starting to learn the 'small' letters too (he recognizes the capitals only at this point). I think the fact that he knows his alphabets and recognizes letters is pretty amazing, though :-D

Landon also jumps on one foot. He will show off this new feat to anyone who will watch. Of course, this shouldn't be that surprising, given how much he loves to jump!! LOL Makes me giggle to watch him do this though :-)

Landon also has a very annoying voice that he enjoys using. For anyone who's ever watched MADtv, he sounds like Stuart!! So in order to save our sanity, we remind him that he needs to kick his foot out (like Stuart does) whenever he uses this voice. It usually gets him giggling and he stops whining -- meanwhile John and I are laughing at his antics -- so it's a win-win situation.

Other big things Landon is learning to do -- he can wash his hands by himself (mostly he loves the soap part of washing his hands ... ). He helps mommy by fetching baby blankets and towels and soothers and all sorts of things. He reminds mommy whenever Arlan's crying to "plug in the soosie, the crying stops!". He cracks me up when you ask him if he wants something by replying "Oh! Sure!". Yesterday we saw a big semi truck, he's babbling in the backseat and says "Oh look! A big semi truck! That's NEAT!". Landon also always wants to direct our driving ... "not that way, this way!" I keep reminding him it'll be 14 years before he gets to drive, but he doesn't care, he keeps telling us where to go (literally!).
And we have to be oh so careful of what we say these days. Landon walks around saying "oh my bloody gawd" a lot. He also says "Drive my NUTS!" and "no whining/hitting/throwing" right after he's whined/hit/threw something.

So that's a little bit of info about Landon. He will be 2 1/2 years on Sunday ... hard to believe. *shaking head* I can still remember the ride home from the hospital with him...thinking "now that was fun, but do we have to take it home??" LOL Ah well...

Here's your happy post Nikki ;-)

1 comment:

niknac said...

That is amazing that he knows his letters a step up on my 4 year old apparently mom needs to start spending more time with Taylor.
And the driving thing Taylor will say turn right or left or what have you and at red lights she will tell me to go that has just about caused a few accidents. Have fun it goes by to fast