Tuesday, January 30, 2007

We're goin' out for dinner ...

YAY - John and I are actually going out for dinner ... how exciting!! John's friend Wes is visiting and will stay with Landon. I am sooo looking forward to it.

The past few days have been good ... not much happening. Landon enjoyed swimming today - it was aquasize day. He played in the 'boat' (floatation device so that I can exercise), and loved the hottub as usual. He even let me hold him to a front float (without his face in the water of course), and a back float, although not for too long. Hopefully he'll be okay for swimming lesson on Sat.
Landon has continued to go to sleep late at night. I think it's because he can play in his crib, so we put him in there and he can keep himself up later. In the Amby there was nothing to do but sleep or bounce (which put him to sleep), but in the crib he can play, jump, roll around, you name it and he's doing it. So he's not the happiest camper in the mornings...But I'll just keep getting him up (even though it's so hard because I know how little I want to wake up in the mornings ... I don't know where he gets these sleep habits from!), and he'll just have to figure out to go to sleep earlier *shrug* All in all, it's not a bad problem to have, I still put him in the crib at a decent time, he plays happily and quietly until he's tired enough to go to sleep. And last night he didn't even cry when he went to sleep ... the first time even in the crib by himself without crying. So that's good.

It is stupid-super windy here today ... there is so much dust in the air. Yuck! At times we can't even see the houses across the park behind the house (for those that have been here, you will understand what I mean). The dust is from the construction of a highway north of us, and there's ALOT of it. yuck! Hopefully the wind will go away soon.

That's the news thus far. I'm going to go and get ready for dinner :-D Hope all is well with everyone! Until next time...TK

Saturday, January 27, 2007

oh yeah, one interesting new trick...

Landon has discovered, during his hour long play-time before finally going to sleep at night, that if he lays down right underneath the aquarium-music-thingy in his crib, he can then use his legs to lift the aquarium up, and then it can drop back down, and make one helluva racket! ALOT of racket!! Little monkey. So I went in and put a blanket under the straps that hold the aquarium to the side of the crib - I hope he doesn't figure out how to pull that out - so at least when he lifts it the 1/2" or so that he still can, it won't make as much noise when it comes back down. So maybe if it's less noisy, he'll do it less!

Another trick - 'driving' the chairs all over the kitchen. Landon can now take the dining chairs and manouvre them however he likes around the kitchen, while walking. He can pull them backwards, push them forwards, turn corners, whatever his little heart desires. Can make it tough when we're trying to sit on the chairs and he wants us to get up so he can move them! LOL I've been trying to get him to use his push toy - bought for just such activities - but the kitchen chairs are way more fun. Likely because they make TONS of noise too!

So that's the monkey-antics update. Til next time...TK

Saturday night...

I'm at home tonight, with John out to watch a band with his friend Wes (visiting from Winnipeg). I'm just hoping Landon konks out soon ... he's been going to sleep ~11 pm the past few days :-/ But he's been napping nicer, 2 * 1.5 hours (which I guess is why he's going to bed later ... he needs less sleep overnight). I do like the downtime during the day, and we're just going to get him up earlier to get him to sleep earlier, if possible. I still put him in the crib, he just plays in there until he's tired, then he cries for ~ 5 minutes and goes to sleep for the night. Monkey!!
He wasn't all that happy in swimming lessons today either. He would hardly let go of me ... much different from aquasize earlier in the week. I made sure we got there a bit earlier, so we had extra time to change (he was good in the change room this time though). But when we got in the water he wasn't thrilled. He was good for about 3 minutes, until we got his head wet, then he was not impressed at all. *shrug* I think he was likely colder than usual having his head wet like that. But he did love the hottub afterwards (as did I).

Other than that, life has been somewhat mundane. Wes is visiting until Wed, so it's nice to have some company again. We really haven't been doing much - just enjoying nice naps, and then waiting for Landon to go to sleep at night! LOL But he is sleeping well all night long in the crib, so that's a bonus :-/ We'll get this napping thing straightened out as well I think ... but he is most definitely in a better mood now that he's napping better. And he doesn't look nearly as tired as he did when he was wearing the Champion outfit (see pics in previous post)!

So that's the news this Saturday night ... sorry so boring, but that's the way we are these days! LOL Will post again soon...TK

My little Champion :-)

Here's our little Champion ... hard to believe he's wearing this outfit already! Landon got this from Cor and Dave when he was first born, and I remember thinking 'when he wears this, he's gonna be soooo big!'. And, well, I guess he definitely is getting bigger. And the second picture - well he just looked darned cute all dressed up and ready to go shopping :-) I had to take a picture of him!

Helping dad

Landon was a busy guy helping John install our garburetor last weekend...he was right under there, grabbing the wrench, reaching for pipes, whatever he could get at he was going for :-) The good news: once mommy got Landon busy playing upstairs, it took dad no time at all to get everything installed!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wednesday news...

There's really not too much news. I guess it's been a slow week *shrug*

Landon's doing well in the crib, he's full-time in there now, the amby has been washed and packed away (mixed emotions there ... I've come to love that bed, all the sleep it got us!). His naps are not completely routine like they were 6 weeks ago ... but I don't nurse him down as often anymore. Maybe a couple of times over the past week (?). There's 2 naps, the first one is starting to be the short one at 45 minutes, the second one alternating between 45 and 90 minutes, although the days he sleeps long on the second nap he has more trouble falling asleep at night :-/ Yesterday was one of those days ... he didn't get to sleep until after 11 pm, although he was in his crib from 9:45 on (pretty happily too, just couldn't get to sleep). I think he may do 2 * 45 minute naps coming up, and sleep better overnight. I can't really complain though - he's easy to deal with all day, and I like that he's sleeping ~12 hours at night!! LOL

Swimming yesterday went quite well. Landon still didn't like the change room when we got there, but he wasn't at all scared in the water. He went right into the 'boat' and enjoyed the entire time in the water. Which was nice as I actually got a work-out! He loved the hot-tub afterwards too, and in the change room getting ready to leave he was fine ... he even 'played' a bit (as much as he can play when I'm not letting him crawl around the wet floor!).

The weather has been INCREDIBLE!! John's in seventh-heaven with this weather. And it's so nice because the days are getting longer again. It actually feels like Winnipeg in spring today. Those days in April when it's finally warm enough to not wear a winter parka ... the snow's almost gone, just a bit where it was piled up beside the driveway or along the boulevard. The wind is not warm, but not cold either. And everything just smells like it's coming alive. What a great day - went for a nice long walk and really enjoyed it.

John's friend Wes is coming to visit this weekend, looking forward to seeing him. He and John will be checking out bands all over Calgary I'm sure :-P

That's the news from here today! Hope all is well with you :-) TK

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Crib update...

Landon slept all night in his crib again -- and last night was much, MUCH better :-) I put him to bed shortly after 9, he went to sleep likely by about 9:30. Slept until 8:50 this morning :-D YAYAY I was up about 52 times to check on him, but he was always fine. He moved all over the crib, slept on his back, side and tummy. He was even curled right up to his absolute favourite stuffed toy -- Scooter the dog :-) -- with his arm over Scooter, very cute.
So hopefully the ruckus the past few weeks has just been Landon telling us he was sick of the Amby, and more nights like last night are on their way.
We're back to a 2-a-day napping routine as well ... with the second nap being short, only 30 - 45 minutes, ~ 5 pm or so. That seems to be suiting him fine (for a couple of days anyways, we'll see if it continues), and I can live with it. At least he's in a better mood, and is still going to bed early enough. I can handle 9 or 9:30, no problem :-)

We had a pretty lazy Sunday. I slept late, thanks to John being up very early so he took Landon when he woke up. We took Landon for a sled ride, he's still pretty indifferent to the entire event. But we saw a puppy which made Landon giggle, and he went swinging at the park too which he also liked. What he liked the most about swinging was when I would grab his legs, then let him go again. I think we'll have lots of fun in the park this summer :-)

And we brought Landon's 'birthday gift' out of the basement for him to play with. It's an 'activity walker', so that maybe he'll quit pushing our chairs around to help him balance while he practises walking! He didn't use the walker to walk -- his balance isn't quite good enough to use it as it moves alot easier than the chairs -- but he enjoyed the activities.

That's the news from here today. I should give Landon some cereal and put him to bed shortly. Let's hope tonight's a good night too :-D Until next time...TK

Saturday, January 20, 2007

All-Night Crib Sleeping!!

Landon actually slept in his crib overnight last night. YAY It wasn't all joy and fun though :-( He went ot sleep ~9:30 pm, I put him in his Amby. He woke up shortly after 10, as per usual. But he cried cried cried until I couldn't stand it. I went to get him, he was on his side with his arm jacked under him, the blankets under him, boogers all over his face ... he was a MESS! I got him out of the Amby, he finally calmed down a bit but now isn't very sleepy :-/ So I thought if he's gonna be up he can be up in his crib. He played in there for about 15 minutes, then started crying (he was tired!). He pooped his pants, so I changed him and put him back in the crib (where did that poo come from? He rarely poops at night ... especially since he's been sleeping through the night!). He CRIED, HARD, until almost 1 am! Almost 2 hours of crying....it just about killed me. Finally I went in there and did what all the 'experts' tell you not to do ... I picked him up. He calmed down only when I turned on the musical aquarium (FINALLY - that thing becomes worth it!!LOL). So I held him for a few minutes and put him back down - he screamed and yelled some more, but finally went to sleep. It was shortly after 1. aiaiaiaii

Then we woke up at 8:30 and John was like "did you check on him overnight? is he okay?" It was funny - usually I'm the one panicking that something unspeakable has happened overnight. But Landon was fine ... his head was crammed into the corner of the crib, but beyond that he was fine. I don't know if he fully awoke at all overnight as I didn't hear anything. But he woke enough to move into the corner of the crib :-) And when he woke up himself at ~9:30, he was happy and didn't seem to be completely ruined from crying for almost 2 solid hours (despite my absolute conviction that we were destroying him by having him cry!).

He napped well in there today as well, both times going to sleep within about 15 minutes of being put in the crib. yup - both times. He napped from 1 - 2:30, and 5:30 - 6. I really don't think he can do only 1 nap a day, as we have tried a few times. He was sooooo overtired last night - which is part of the reason he woke up to begin with, and most of the reason he then couldn't get back to sleep. But the second nap is getting shorter, only 30-45 minutes, so maybe that's all he'll need for now until he is ready to drop it *shrug* I don't mind ... I like that bit of downtime just before dinner! I'll just have to get more used to doing errands in the morning, as that is becoming his longer awake period now.

Swimming lessons went well this morning. Landon wasn't overly sure about the water again, poor little chicken-sh*t! But after about 20 minutes he got used to it and proceeded to splash everyone within a 10 foot radius with his arm-waving! LOL Then we sat in the hottub again (Landon on the edge) and he really liked that - especially when dad showed up in the hottub. He really loves his dad -- he lights right up when John shows up. He loves me too, so much so that he insists on whining whenever I'm around, but there's just something about John...

John and I are probably going to buy a membership at the pool place, the pool is great, and John worked out there this morning and said the facility is very nice. They have childcare too, so we will likely drop Landon off one night a week and do some climbing as they have a good climbing wall there as well.

And I actually tried out our humongous bathtub tonight -- I had to try it, it's so huge!! LOL It was nice, but I still think those big soaker tubs are a bit ridiculous! Ah well...

That's the news from here. I'd better go, give Landon some cereal and we'll see if he's about ready for bed. Wish us luck with the crib-sleeping tonight! Will post soon...TK

Friday, January 19, 2007

well well well...

Landon sure loves to dance ... he's been a dancing machine all over the place this last week or so. It's great fun to watch. Now he's starting to dance with us too, giving me some much-needed dancing practise!! LOL
He is very busy these days. He goes around and around the living room, from the window to the tv to the fireplace, piano bench, loveseat, sofa, table, window, tv, etc... Too funny. When he gets bored downstairs he likes to play in his room too. And when he gets a bit tired, he's loving to 'read' books. You know he has a book because he's sitting there groaning as he turns pages :-/ What a goof. He's liking when I read him stories a lot more now too, especially Brown Bear, Brown Bear -- because I make the sounds of all of the animals in the book too. Cats and dogs make funny sounds according to Landon!

On the sleeping front - I think he is down to one nap a day ... for now. We'll see. Yesterday he had two naps, only because I nursed him down for the second one which was only 30 minutes long. Then he wouldn't / couldn't get to sleep until after 11 last night :-/ So today I let him play until he went to sleep (on his own, in the crib, on his tummy - now that's a first!!). It's been about 45 minutes, we'll see if he wakes up or stays sleeping. It seems to be the last few days if he has a short first nap, he wants / needs a short second nap and can still go to bed well. If he has a longer first nap (1.5 - 2 hours), then he doesn't need the second nap. I think I'll like that ... I like the idea that when he gets up from this nap I won't have to worry about the next nap and being home and yada-yada-yada. We can go shopping, make dinner, etc, and he'll be fine. Plus - his bedtime will likely move up some more, which is good news too!! The other day when he had only one nap, he went to bed at 9 and slept until 9! So that would be cool.

I'm excited to finally be getting a haircut tomorrow. How sad is that? aiaiiaai It's been so long though, and my hair's driving me bonkers in this dry climate ... it's all dry and frizzy. ick.

And Landon's swimming lessons start tomorrow morning. We'll see if he likes swimming a bit better tomorrow morning! I'm off to buy him some swim trunks / diapers this afternoon. Hopefully I can hold myself back and not buy a whole pile of stuff :-/ But if I do, so be it! LOL

That's the news for today...will post again soon!! TK

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

short crib-napping...

Well, in the time it's taken to post some pics, Landon has woken up again. A very short crib-nap today :-/ I don't know if that's good or bad. He only napped for 45 minutes.... I'm going to leave him in there for awhile, see if he'll get back to sleep again. He's not upset or anything. I can hear him playing with the aquarium-music toy, and he must be swinging his soother around because I can hear some clacking. *shrug* I was hoping he'd have a nice 1.5 hour nap ... but I guess not.
I think the worst part about getting this crib-napping thing going is the unsurity. I'm unsure ... does he want / need one nap or two? Are the length of his naps changing because they are changing, or because he's in his crib? Should I be working harder to get two naps in / or longer naps in? *shrug* Frustrating ... it seems to be that just when I think I've gotten something figured out, Landon changes it up again (yes, I was forewarned that life would be this way). It's this perpetual state of 'should I?' that annoys the snot out of me!! lol

Ah well ... we'll see what comes our way this afternoon....
hope you enjoyed the pictures! TK

Some pictures for everyone...

Landon had so much fun playing with Ryder and Jackson the other night, and he even liked Carla too :-) He was just happy to have company I think, so he didn't have to settle for playing with mom and dad! LOL
Landon loves to smash down blocks. We build them up, he smashes them down! Sometimes he leaves us alone long enough to build a nice big tower for him to destroy. Most of the time though he's right there, ready to smash down any block you set on end!
Landon was having fun playing 'peek-a-boo' behind the couch the other day with mom. So I snapped a picture of him as he came up from the other side of the couch. He was all smiles to play that game :-)


Landon fell asleep - BY HIMSELF - IN HIS CRIB yayayayayayayayayaayayay

It was a struggle ... but it was worth it!!
Yesterday Landon had only one nap ... so he was up from 1:30 pm to 9 pm. When I put him to bed, I put him in his crib. He woke up 30 minutes later crying, so I moved him to the Amby. He cried on and off until 11 :-( But then he was good for the night - at least I didn't hear him anymore. He slept until 9 am :-)
Since he was up a bit earlier today, I thought it is a good day to 'practice' falling asleep by himself in the crib. When he showed tired signs at about 10:45 I put him in there. He played. I took him out ~11:30. He played a bit by himself, then got fussy within about 20 minutes. I put him back in his crib. He fell asleep about 20 minutes later - no crying, just some fussing, but no crying. And he's ASLEEP!! YAYAYAAY That is GOOD news!

So I don't know if he's wanting only one nap a day, or two. I think the nursing him to sleep has been keeping the two naps, by getting him down to nap perhaps before he's really ready. Today he was likely more ready for a nap, which is why he could go to sleep on his own (?). I'll see how long he sleeps. yesterday he napped for 2 hours. If he does that again today, I'm thinking he may be dropping a nap. Which I guess will be fine. I do like my 'downtime' during the day, and I guess if it's once for 2 hours (vs twice for 1.5 hours each) then so be it. I actually wouldn't mind if he went to 1 nap a day ... less naps to have to work around :-/ And if he can do those naps in his crib ... and start going down with no nursing ... then that will be wonderful!! Because yeah, I forgot - no nursing him down this morning either :-)

so that's the crib-napping update for today!

other news - I sold my first item on Ebay! Very exciting!! I will mail it off today. What was it? The lovely Dora curtains that were in our spare bedroom until recently. I'm sure some little girl out there will be tickled to have them for her room, and we're happy to have a pull-down blind in our spare room.

that's the news for now...until next time...TK

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

And Another Tooth!

Forgot -- Landon popped his sixth tooth out today :-) Finally ... that one has been bugging him for quite some time! so he has 3 up top, 3 on the bottom ... the two middle ones, and the first one to the right. I don't know what's up with the left side of his mouth -- a bit slow I guess! LOL


Swimming today!!

Today Landon and I went swimming. It was my first baby and me aquasize class. At first Landon really didn't like it ... he certainly wouldn't get in the little floaty boats that they had. He didn't even want to be in the water, which surprised me. But we got in the water with no real crying, and as long as he could hang on to me super-tight he was okay. He did gradually get used to the water though, and after about 20 minutes I was able to put him in a boat (as long as I stayed very close). After a few more minutes I was able to have him floating through the 'river' (a circular part of the pool with a current) with me swimming along behind. I won't say he was overly thrilled, but at least he wasn't scared any longer :-) After the class we went in the hottub - Landon sitting on the edge. He warmed up and was the Landon I expected ... smiling and splashing. Cute little bugger. A cracker in the change-room and he was happy as can be. Then he had a nice 2 hour snooze when we got home LOL
But that was the only snooze today ... he wouldn't stay down for his second nap. I nursed him until he was asleep, but when I put him in the crib he woke up again. I just left him in there to see if he'd calm down, but no way! He played, happily, in there for about an hour. Then I went and pulled him out. He hasn't been the happiest kid tonight, he's pretty sleepy. I think I'm going to put him to bed right shortly - which likely means he'll be up early tomorrow :-/ But that's the way it'll be I guess. I was thinking I might put him into his crib tonight, but now I think I'll just go back to the Amby - I don't want him thinking this is just a very late second nap!! LOL Maybe tomorrow I'll find the courage to try the crib at night.

The aquasize class itself was fine. I'm glad I'm signed up - it's good to get out and do some physical activity! Plus I met some other moms there too, so it'll be nice to finally meet some people in the area. I'm looking forward to Landon's swimming lessons too - Saturday mornings :-)

Landon's still dancing a lot too - it's adorable. He's even dancing when his dumptruck plays a song. Too cute!!

That's the news from here. Oh yeah - and my first auction on ebay has been successful. It ends in about 1.5 hours, and I have a bid so I know for sure it's going to sell. I don't know if there'll be more bids to get the price higher, but at least I have one :-)

Talk to you soon...take care!! TK

Monday, January 15, 2007

Fun Sunday

Carla, Dave and the boys were here last night - it was fun. They had fun in Barbados, but were very much looking forward to getting home again (I can relate to that ... 2 weeks of chasing the kids around and I'd be ready to let them run wild at home again too!). It was nice to get a chance to visit with them though :-) And they keep telling me that Ryder is so bad, so he must pull out his good behaviour when he's here because we just don't find him that bad! lol

Crib napping has been going well. I haven't tried his crib at night again though. Not sure if I'll try tonight, or if I'll give it a few more days and try having him fall asleep on his own in the crib for a nap to get him more used to falling asleep in there. We'll have to see. He hasn't attempted to climb out of the Amby again, but it could happen any time so I'd like to get him into the crib full-time soon. Last night he was curled right up in the Amby on his side, it was cute. When we went to bed he was back laying on his back, and I think he stayed that way the rest of the night.

We are full-fledged Albertans now ... I got our cars insured and new plates today. So I guess it's official. Now if only our health cards would arrive....not sure what's taking those so long.

That's the news today ... not too much. I'm pretty tired tonight, so hopefully Landon goes down well, without too much fuss. Last night he was a bit fussy, but I think that's because he was so excited to have chased Jackson and Ryder around. It was pretty cute to watch him crawling after them ... he worked so hard to keep up to them!

Until next time ... TK

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Bad night ...

We had a bad night last night ... poor little stinker bug. He is getting a tooth up top, and it seems to be bothering him more than any other tooth that's come in. Add to that disturbed sleep, and aiaiaiai
The evening actually started off bad when I woke him early from his afternoon nap (vacuuming ... ooops!). So he had a short nap, and was a bit fussy during the evening. It worked out ok though as he went to sleep ~9:30, and I was excited to finally get to watch Capote. We heard Landon stir about 10:30 (as expected, he always stirs about 45 mins to 1 hour into his night, and several more times after that too!). We didn't think much of it, until about 15 minutes later (10:45) he started crying. We waited a couple of minutes to see if he'd calm down, but instead he wound himself right up. I went to check on him, and he had gotten himself half-way out of the Amby and was hanging there ... arms and head out, bum and legs in, screaming blue-bloody murder (I think the initial crying he was still pretty much asleep, but by the time I got there he was fully awake and very scared!). So I pulled him out of this predicament (it scared me a bit too actually ... thankfully he didn't fall all the way out!), and nursed him to calm down (he would not calm down at all otherwise). He was asleep so I put him in his crib - I thought this is as good a time as any to start the crib overnight, right? Wrong! He kind of woke up when I put him in there, but I thought I'd leave him to see what happened. He played for about 45 minutes (enough time for me to finish watching Capote ... heh heh), then started crying. I went in and he wound himself into hysterics again. Nursing again, he finally fell asleep about 12:20, I put him into his crib again. He woke up at 1:35 and was wound into hysterics even worse than before. He would not calm down at all ... I ended up bringing him into our bed, turning on the lights and with both John and I there he kind of calmed down. But when I took him back into his room he went bonkers again, so I ended up (you guessed it) nursing AGAIN!! My poor nipples are ready to fall off!! LOL When he finally fell asleep about 2:15, I put him back in his Amby and he then slept until shortly after 9 - thank goodness!!
BUT at 9:20, he was sitting up in his Amby, and he maybe would've been dumping himself out of there had I not walked into the room as soon as he sat up :-/

Soooooo .... now I definitely want to move him into his crib overnight. I can see that he was too scared and disoriented from the near-tumble out of the Amby and the disturbed sleep to be okay in the crib all night last night. He was sooooo scared at 1:30 ... poor kid, it was hard to watch him be like that. I've never seen him cry like that ever, not even with the ear infection :-( Turning on the light hurt his eyes I think, but we had to wake him up fully so that he could orient himself, holding him wouldn't do it and he wouldn't even calm down enough to nurse before that! *sigh*

the first nap in the crib went well today - I was scared there'd be some repurcussions of his 'scare' last night, but no. *shrug* He woke up and was happy to play and was happy when I went in there. So that's good. The next try overnight in the crib will be tomorrow night, as Carla and Dave will be here tonight and I'd like to avoid the overnight hysterics if possible :-/ So we'll put him in his Amby tonight, and hopefully he won't fall out (or stangle himself trying). Then tomorrow night we may just have to try the full transition again. I'm thinking it might go better when he goes in there first, not after a big scare.

John and I are busy planning our vacation to the Maritimes this summer. I can hardly wait!! Grandma and Grandpa are excited to have Landon for a week too I think :-) Even though it'll be busy spraying season ...

And we're just waiting for Carla, Dave and the boys to arrive for the day. They're just back from vacation in Barbados :-)

That's the news from here for today ... think good "Landon don't fall out of the Amby" thoughts for us tonight :-D Take care...TK

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Dancing Landon :-)

Well, it looks like Landon's love of music is turning into a dancing phenomenon. The little stinker has started dancing. Right now that means he's bending his legs and giggling. It is hilarious to watch. He likes to dance to John's guitar playing, especially to Pride and Joy. And he was dancing when I was playing piano today, and he danced to some songs on the tv too. Just a-dancing around the house :-)

Plus Landon learned to open cupboard doors today. Specifically the doors under the sink. He stood up, grabbed the handles, and then you should've seen his eyes! LOL He was immediately going for the dish soap, so I had to put some cupboard 'locks' on there. I'm just waiting for him to discover that the drawers open. It may take him awhile longer though, as the 'knobs' are hard to grab - even I have trouble grabbing them at times. So we may get a bit longer of a reprieve there.

I let Landon 'explore' the tupperware drawer this afternoon. He found two plastic glasses, and they were very interesting. He sat on the floor tilting them up as if trying to drink from them, then he'd look inside like "where's the juice?". When that got boring he threw them around the floor and chased them until he got bored.

He did well crib-napping today. He kind of woke up both times I laid him down, he sighed, looked around, smacked his lips and went to sleep. Nice 1.5 hour naps. The first nap he was sitting up playing when I went to check on him. The second one he was just stirring when we went in there. But at least he's pretty used to waking up in his crib, and he's not protesting when I put him down in there. I've put him in the Amby for nighttime still though ... I'll have to try the crib soon I know, but he's been pretty good in the Amby the past couple of nights. Tonight he wasn't asleep when I put him down, so it was definitely Amby time. He was quiet in there, I heard him bounce about 15 minutes after I put him down and nothing since. I don't think he would've gotten himself to sleep in the crib yet. Maybe in a couple of days we'll try.

Now if I could just get him to stop biting ...

Until next time...TK

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Cute dimples...

Just gotta love those dimples! LOL

Today would've been...

Hard to believe, but if I were going back to work, today would've been my first day! Holy cow!! John took 8 weeks parental leave last May / June, so I would've been heading back now, with Landon only 10 months old. So today I am very thankful that I am able to stay at home with the little munchkin!! I cannot imagine getting up, getting Landon up, getting us both ready for work, dropping him off somewhere and then working all day long! aiaiaiai Only to come home to feed us, get us ready for bed, and go to bed again. This is much more relaxing, if not monotonous :-P

Big storms across the prairies. It's very windy here, and a bit of snow is / has fallen, so visibility is reduced. But nothing like Saskatoon I hear ... everyone must be having fun at the Crop Production Show! Dad's up there, so hopefully he's hunkered down somewhere safe and warm, with some beer, cards, and friends I'm sure! LOL

Landon has had a much better day today. Yesterday was crazy - he didn't have his first nap until after 1, 45 minutes only. Then the next one was about 30 minutes long at 5 pm. He woke up and was crying crying crying from that nap :-( Poor monkey. Last night he went to sleep fairly well at ~10 pm, up today at 9:10 am, so that was a good sleep. Still lots of moaning, groaning etc overnight.
I was reading in Ferber's book that this is quite normal, it is part of the transition from deeper to lighter sleep, and that some kids (even up to adolescence and into adulthood sometimes) take the transition a bit rougher. The most severe cases are night terrors ... let's hope Landon's doesn't progress to that. But in any case, the groaning, crying out, etc are just what he does during his transitions, and it actually doesn't disturb his sleep at all (or so Ferber claims). That means that it may not disappear when we get him transitioned to his crib ... But we're started down that path now, we'll see how it goes anyways.
He's napping in his crib right now -- his first nap was normal, 11:15 - 12:45, and this nap started a bit early but he went down ok. He was tired and ready for his nap, so I just went with it. Since it's a miserable windy day out, what else are we gonna do but snooze :-)

That's the news from windy cold Calgary. I hope all of my prairie friends are staying warm tonight ... take care!! TK

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What I like, what I don't like...

What I really like about Calgary is that fact that motorists stop for pedestrians. Not just every now and again, but all the time. It is something that has definitely stood out for me since we moved here. I've had cars stop to allow me to cross when I've been jay-walking for crying out loud!! Cars will stop and wait for me to cross when in actuality they would've had time to clear the intersection before I even started to cross.
Why is this so notable? Because it is so different than Winnipeg, where every time a person crossed the street they took their life in their hands - even when they crossed with the light because it's pretty much guaranteed that some Winnipeger is running that red!! So among all of the other things that I love about Calgary and about Alberta, I love that people let me cross the street unchallenged and unharmed!

What I don't like. When your former phone / internet / tv company (I won't name names, but I'm sure you can guess) continues to screw up your bills, month after month, and then the customer service reps for that company's "Customer Care" service lines are rude and incompetent. Not all of the reps, just one of the 3 I had to deal with today -- but a 33% result is not very favourable in the customer service line of things. [rant warning - I can't resist! - to skip right to Landon crib-sleeping update, please scroll down :-) ]
So not only were we charged for not returning equipment that we did in fact return (I had to call about this substantial error last month), but then they charged us 'late payment fees' on the amount that they weren't supposed to charge us in the first place!! Even though that erroneous amount is credited on that same bill. I call, get rep #1 (competent) and this gets cleared up (hopefully - we'll see next month). Next I'm transferred to the other department (because one rep cannot deal with two different product lines ... nooooo ... that'd be too simple!). After being on hold ~15 - 20 mins, I get rude, incompetent ninny on the line. When I state that I'm calling because I'm being charged for service A when in fact I have service B, she says "Well, you got a credit for $$$$$" (see above amount that shouldn't have been charged in the first place). Yes I did, but that has nothing to do with service A or B, so can I get this corrected? She puts me BACK IN THE QUEUE!!!! I wait another 35 minutes to get another rep (this one is pleasant and competent ... service A charges are reversed, service B instituted, I'm told the correct amount to pay for this bill -- Thank you - that's all I asked for!!

Why is it that I had to sit on the phone for over an hour to correct that company's errors? Not only did I sit on the phone for an hour - but I was treated rudely on top of it (again, only 1 of 3 reps was rude and incompetent, but that's the part of the call that will stick with me the longest).

The end result - everyone please check your bills, make sure you're not being screwed and over-charged!!

[end rant]

Other than that....it's just a day.

Landon crib-sleeping update
Landon napped very well in the crib yesterday, for both naps. I nursed him down, and he slept for 2 hours, and 1.5 hours. Those must've been incredible naps, because he would not go to sleep last night!! He was almost asleep, and I thought I'd try the crib again as it had gone so well all day. Mistake. He woke up again (this was at ~10:15). Finally I put him in the Amby to go to sleep -- it was ~11:30 by the time he finally quit bouncing and squawking in there. He wasn't crying, but he just couldn't get to sleep. Little stinker!!

He slept until 9:40 this morning, and then wouldn't go down for a nap ... until 1:15!! Usually he's napping by 11:30 for sure, 12:00 at the latest!! He napped for 45 minutes (in his crib, I held him to sleep, but no nursing this time). Now he's been up since 2 and is happily playing. I will hopefully get him down for his second nap soon. And hopefully he won't be up so darned late tonight.

Not sure what it is ... yesterday afternoon he was very clingy and whiny too ... I hope he isn't getting sick. Usually the first indication of Landon not being well is messed up naps. But I don't know for sure this time, because it may be that he's just messed up with this whole crib deal. *shrug* I guess we'll figure it out sooner or later ... and just roll with it for now!!

That's the (rant) news for today ... will post more when I'm in better spirits!! LOL Take care...TK

Monday, January 08, 2007

crib sleeping update...

Well, Landon had both naps in his crib yesterday, although they were each only 45 minutes long. Last night we put him back in the Amby for overnight, as he'd gotten only half his usual day-time sleep (1.5 hours vs 3), and I didn't want him to lose any more sleep last night. He slept pretty well in the Amby - I did hear him grunting in the night, but he seems to have figured out how to turn over onto his side now, and he doesn't bounce the hammock anymore like he used to (new spring has much less give, so maybe it's too much work and/or less enjoyable?).
So this morning I put him in his crib for his nap, and it's actually been longer than 45 minutes! That's a first (even when he 'crib-napped' in the summer it wasn't longer than 45 minutes). So maybe that's a good sign. He woke up slightly when I put him in there (after falling asleep nursing, a habit we've gotten into over the holidays...), but I put his puppy-blanket on his face and he went to sleep. That seems to be a key trick - blanket over the face. Whenever I check on him at night he has the blanket over his face ... it's not covering any other part of his body, just his face! Worrisome, yes, but I guess if he's survived it this long ... *shrug* I do take it off of his face when I go in there, but he puts it right back on again!! LOL

So maybe the crib-napping is getting better, or maybe he was just so tired this morning that he stayed right konked out ... I don't know. But I'm just glad that he's having a good nap.

And I think I've fulfilled my e-bay craving for awhile ... Landon will be getting some new clothes in upcoming weeks :-) Mosty 12 - 18 month clothes, so some may not fit yet. But he'll grow into them all soon enough I'm sure. I charted his weight and height last week ... he's 75th percentile for height and 50th percentile for weight ... just like he's been since he was born!

That's the news for mid-day Monday! Will post soon ... take care! TK

Little stinker...

Landon also loves to get John's headphones so that he can chew on them! He is chewing on everything these days, we are waiting for the appearance of another tooth or three that we are sure are just under the surface. So if the bootstrings aren't around to chew on, Landon likes to go for the headphones!! LOL And he looks supercute in this outfit that Grandma and Grandpa bought for him too.
And if this isn't the face of a little stinker, I don't know what is! LOL He was bouncing up and down on the edge of the couch here, with that gleam in his eye that gives me shivers, hoping that he won't walk for another 6 months, but knowing it'll be much sooner than that. And then I'll never have the chance to sit down!!
Those are the pics for today. TK

These are a few of my favourite things...

Landon has been impressing us repeatedly with his bids to stand on his own. He will let go of the couch for a few seconds at a time, and usually manages to keep his balance for 5 seconds or so, before either plunking down on his bum, or grabbing ahold of the couch again. But each day that interval gets longer, and his balance more solid, so we are waiting for the day when he lets go and doesn't need to grab on again. He likes to put his hands in the air too, when he's standing, like he's saying "Ta Da!!"
Another favourite passtime these days is sitting in the front hall, chewing on bootstrings. Now I can only imagine how these strings taste ... thinking of the places they've been ... ugh! But he doesn't seem to mind, in fact he will occupy himself for half an hour at times, just chewing on them! He hasn't gotten sick yet, so no harm no foul, right? ick
And our maistro does love the piano. John cranked the bench up to full height so that Landon could sit there and plunk away. This also occupies him for great stretches of time, in addition to amusing John and I to no end. Sometimes we put music up for him, but then he just wants to rip it down, so usually he's just playing his own tune ;-)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

E-Bay has captured me!

Well, Ebay has its grip firmly planted around my wallet these days ... LOL I'm perusing for 12 - 18 month clothes for Landon. I can't help it - I love it! As terrible as that is!! But I've managed to hold off so far, just some sleepers (which he definitely needs ... his feet are going to burst through the bottom of the ones he has right now! The only one that truly fits is the one from Grandma for Christmas!!). I am checking out clothes though too, as he's growing out of what we've got. I don't need too much, as Aunty Liz keeps us pretty well clothed as well. But I want to get a few 'new' things for him too. What I like the best is being able to buy the brand name stuff for 'cheap' -- Baby Gap, Gymboree, The Children's Place, etc. *sigh* So I just keep on shopping!

Well, we're starting to try the transition to the crib...aiaiaii. Poor Landon, last night he was 'awake' for almost an hour ... just to get himself rolled over from his side to his back and then to get comfortable. He wasn't really awake, but awake enough that he yawned when I was in there, so that tells me he's not getting the most restful of sleep. He slept in until 10 am too, without a peep (so did John and I, we went to sleep about 2 after watching Landon moan and groan, and I don't think either of us moved until 10 am!!). So he 'slept' for 12 hours, but I don't know how much of that was solid sleep. He woke up at least once crying hard for about 3 or 4 minutes, then had the 1 hour shuffle-fest at 1 am. Poor monkey.
sooooooo ..... he didn't nurse to drowsiness like usual for this first nap (likely because he slept so late), so I put him in his crib. He was content for about 20 minutes, then he cried cried cried (likely when he got tired, and he was wondering where we were and why wasn't he in his bed). I went in and held him until he fell asleep, then put him in his crib. That was 5 minutes ago ... we'll see how it goes. The good thing is that it's a late nap, so if it lasts only 45 minutes that's good - we can almost sort of get back on 'schedule' for today then :-/

So please send us good 'transitioning to the crib' thoughts ... I hope this goes somewhat smoothly, but I fear it won't. I'm sure he'll love his newfound freedom (having very little room to move in the Amby), but I do think he'll be waking up in the night because of it as well ... it'll be disorienting. I'm thinking it'll be like us all of a sudden sleeping on a mattress the size of our living room - all that space may be disconcerting. But then again, maybe he'll adjust quite quickly and well, appreciating that he can roll around a bit. *shrug* Only time will tell

It's WINDY again here ... aiaiaiaiai I think the windows might get sucked right out of the house. My good Gawd. The sky is filled with dirt too - yuck! Welcome to Calgary -- no snow, but wind, wind, wind!!

Will chat soon ... update everyone on the crib transition! Take care...TK

Friday, January 05, 2007

Friday night update...

Not much news for this week ... it's been so nice and quiet :-) Landon has been good, except now he's moaning and groaning so much all night long. I don't think he's actually waking right up, but he sure is making noises, grunting, crying out, moaning. Last night I went in to see what was what, worried that perhaps he was feverish or something. It looked like he just wants to roll over. *shrug* So the big move from the Amby bed to crib is looming on the horizon I fear...I don't look forward to that move - I think the ability to bounce the Amby has been very calming for Landon all this time, and without that I'm not sure how well he'll get himself back to sleep at night. I guess we'll just have to try it - and let him cry for a few nights. It's not like he doesn't cry when he goes to bed now ... he does, usually for 10 - 20 minutes and I don't know why!! Maybe he doesn't like the Amby anymore and that's why he's crying :-/ I'm just afraid of having to get up with him in the night if he's in his crib ... But we won't know until we try I guess, and he is getting pretty big for the Amby. *sigh* My little baby is turning into a toddler, fast!

Other than that, life is quiet. I've been shopping ebay again ... heaven help us. It's fun, although I find I have less time to peruse than I used to when Landon was an itty-bitty baby asleep in the sling on me. I guess that's because when he's sleeping I'm trying to get other things done, and when he's awake I'm busy with him.

It's been fun though - I've been showing him how to play with all of his new toys from Christmas. He's starting to get the hang of pushing the dumptruck around (versus just playing with the tires) ... and I think he'll soon be pushing it around to help him be mobile on his feet. But the most fun he has by far is with the blocks from Uncle Greg, Aunty Yvonne, and Kyle. John or I will build them up, and he makes a beeline for the blocks to knock them all down. He can be across the room playing with something, I'll call out "Landon - look what mommy's made!" and he scampers across that floor and SMASH! All the blocks come down! LOL Priceless!! Then he'll sit amongst the blocks throwing them aside, raking through them, giggling and laughing. They are just the most exciting thing in his life this week, that's for sure!!

It's been windy, so Landon and I haven't gone out much. Maybe next week will be nicer. Who knows ... it is January after all!! LOL I'm going to sign us up for swimming lessons, they start the week after next, and a 'baby-and-me' aquasize class too, so I can try to work off some turkey (and nuts, and tarts, and cookies, and chocolates ... *sigh*). I'm looking forward to that.

So that's the 'not much news' post for today. Hope all is well wherever you are .... and I hope all our friends back in Winnipeg have managed to shovel their way out by now :-P Will post again soon...TK

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Cute Landon baby!!

Here are some cute pictures of Landon the past few days. He was giggling at whatever I was doing in the first picture - looking so adorable in orange. The red shirt is from New Years Eve evening -- he didn't quite make it to midnight, but he had fun playing hard until 11!
And the last picture is Landon wearing Granddad's glasses ... too cute!!

Visiting with Granddad and Grandma

Granddad and Grandma were here for New Years too ... Landon was loving getting spoiled by everyone!! Grandma brought him this adorable blazer, which Landon wore for New Years Eve as well. He's ready for Harvard now!!

Playing with Brian

our cousin Brian came for a visit over New Years ... Landon sure had fun playing with him too!!

Thanks Aunty Vonnie for this cute little shirt - he looks soooo cute in orange. The pants are a bit too big yet, but we'll be getting lots of wear out of this shirt I'm sure!!

First Sled Ride...

Landon went for his first ever sled ride on Dec 29 -- thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for the sled for Christmas!! He wasn't too sure about the ride though -- he sat there, just like these pictures, for the entire time. Not really disliking it, but we're not too sure he liked it all that much either :-/ I'm sure it'll get to be more fun for him as he gets more used to it. Unfortunately all the snow has melted here now, so we'll have to wait for another snow storm before we can go sledding again :-(

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!!

Well, we have all survived the ringing in of the New Year ... if just barely. We spent the evening at home with Grandpa and Grandma Keller and cousin Brian. We ate a beautiful dinner of lobster, scallops, oysters, and escargot-stuffed mushrooms - YUM. and we celebrated into the mid-morning - yup ... I think I made it to bed by 6 am, just after Grandma and Grandpa, and Brian and John came sometime after that!! That's the most partying I've done in MONTHS!! LOL Luckily I hadn't started drinking until after Landon went to sleep, so I was able to function relatively normally yesterday :-/

So now our house is quiet again. John is back to work and our company has gone on to complete their vacations (Grandpa and Grandma are skiing, Brian back to Winnipeg). It's peaceful, and a bit depressing ... you know that 'post-party' depression that hits in January ... the holidays are over, real life is starting back up again. *sigh* But it was a wonderful Christmas season, we were able to visit with so many friends and family!!

I will post some pics soon, but for now I'm going to relax and watch tv while Landon naps. I will post again soon though! Take care...TK